Java/2D Graphics GUI/Color

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140 colors - defined for X Window System listed in O"Reilly html pocket reference 87pp

<source lang="java"> /*

    • Caramel - Non-GUI Java Addons
    • Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Gerald Bauer
    • This program is free software.
    • You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
    • Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    • Version 2.1 of the license should be included with this distribution in
    • the file LICENSE, as well as License.html. If the license is not
    • included with this distribution, you may find a copy at the FSF web
    • site at "" or "", or you may write to the
    • Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.
  • /

import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; /**

*  140 colors - defined for X Window System listed in O"Reilly html pocket
*  reference 87pp

public class ColorUtils {

  public final static Color aliceblue = new Color( 240, 248, 255 );
  public final static Color antiquewhite = new Color( 250, 235, 215 );
  public final static Color aqua = new Color( 0, 255, 255 );
  public final static Color aquamarine = new Color( 127, 255, 212 );
  public final static Color azure = new Color( 240, 255, 255 );
  public final static Color beige = new Color( 245, 245, 220 );
  public final static Color bisque = new Color( 255, 228, 196 );
  public final static Color black = new Color( 0, 0, 0 );
  public final static Color blanchedalmond = new Color( 255, 255, 205 );
  public final static Color blue = new Color( 0, 0, 255 );
  public final static Color blueviolet = new Color( 138, 43, 226 );
  public final static Color brown = new Color( 165, 42, 42 );
  public final static Color burlywood = new Color( 222, 184, 135 );
  public final static Color cadetblue = new Color( 95, 158, 160 );
  public final static Color chartreuse = new Color( 127, 255, 0 );
  public final static Color chocolate = new Color( 210, 105, 30 );
  public final static Color coral = new Color( 255, 127, 80 );
  public final static Color cornflowerblue = new Color( 100, 149, 237 );
  public final static Color cornsilk = new Color( 255, 248, 220 );
  public final static Color crimson = new Color( 220, 20, 60 );
  public final static Color cyan = new Color( 0, 255, 255 );
  public final static Color darkblue = new Color( 0, 0, 139 );
  public final static Color darkcyan = new Color( 0, 139, 139 );
  public final static Color darkgoldenrod = new Color( 184, 134, 11 );
  public final static Color darkgray = new Color( 169, 169, 169 );
  public final static Color darkgreen = new Color( 0, 100, 0 );
  public final static Color darkkhaki = new Color( 189, 183, 107 );
  public final static Color darkmagenta = new Color( 139, 0, 139 );
  public final static Color darkolivegreen = new Color( 85, 107, 47 );
  public final static Color darkorange = new Color( 255, 140, 0 );
  public final static Color darkorchid = new Color( 153, 50, 204 );
  public final static Color darkred = new Color( 139, 0, 0 );
  public final static Color darksalmon = new Color( 233, 150, 122 );
  public final static Color darkseagreen = new Color( 143, 188, 143 );
  public final static Color darkslateblue = new Color( 72, 61, 139 );
  public final static Color darkslategray = new Color( 47, 79, 79 );
  public final static Color darkturquoise = new Color( 0, 206, 209 );
  public final static Color darkviolet = new Color( 148, 0, 211 );
  public final static Color deeppink = new Color( 255, 20, 147 );
  public final static Color deepskyblue = new Color( 0, 191, 255 );
  public final static Color dimgray = new Color( 105, 105, 105 );
  public final static Color dodgerblue = new Color( 30, 144, 255 );
  public final static Color firebrick = new Color( 178, 34, 34 );
  public final static Color floralwhite = new Color( 255, 250, 240 );
  public final static Color forestgreen = new Color( 34, 139, 34 );
  public final static Color fuchsia = new Color( 255, 0, 255 );
  public final static Color gainsboro = new Color( 220, 220, 220 );
  public final static Color ghostwhite = new Color( 248, 248, 255 );
  public final static Color gold = new Color( 255, 215, 0 );
  public final static Color goldenrod = new Color( 218, 165, 32 );
  public final static Color gray = new Color( 128, 128, 128 );
  public final static Color green = new Color( 0, 128, 0 );
  public final static Color greenyellow = new Color( 173, 255, 47 );
  public final static Color honeydew = new Color( 240, 255, 240 );
  public final static Color hotpink = new Color( 255, 105, 180 );
  public final static Color indianred = new Color( 205, 92, 92 );
  public final static Color indigo = new Color( 75, 0, 130 );
  public final static Color ivory = new Color( 255, 240, 240 );
  public final static Color khaki = new Color( 240, 230, 140 );
  public final static Color lavender = new Color( 230, 230, 250 );
  public final static Color lavenderblush = new Color( 255, 240, 245 );
  public final static Color lawngreen = new Color( 124, 252, 0 );
  public final static Color lemonchiffon = new Color( 255, 250, 205 );
  public final static Color lightblue = new Color( 173, 216, 230 );
  public final static Color lightcoral = new Color( 240, 128, 128 );
  public final static Color lightcyan = new Color( 224, 255, 255 );
  public final static Color lightgoldenrodyellow = new Color( 250, 250, 210 );
  public final static Color lightgreen = new Color( 144, 238, 144 );
  public final static Color lightgrey = new Color( 211, 211, 211 );
  public final static Color lightpink = new Color( 255, 182, 193 );
  public final static Color lightsalmon = new Color( 255, 160, 122 );
  public final static Color lightseagreen = new Color( 32, 178, 170 );
  public final static Color lightskyblue = new Color( 135, 206, 250 );
  public final static Color lightslategray = new Color( 119, 136, 153 );
  public final static Color lightsteelblue = new Color( 176, 196, 222 );
  public final static Color lightyellow = new Color( 255, 255, 224 );
  public final static Color lime = new Color( 0, 255, 0 );
  public final static Color limegreen = new Color( 50, 205, 50 );
  public final static Color linen = new Color( 250, 240, 230 );
  public final static Color magenta = new Color( 255, 0, 255 );
  public final static Color maroon = new Color( 128, 0, 0 );
  public final static Color mediumaquamarine = new Color( 102, 205, 170 );
  public final static Color mediumblue = new Color( 0, 0, 205 );
  public final static Color mediumorchid = new Color( 186, 85, 211 );
  public final static Color mediumpurple = new Color( 147, 112, 219 );
  public final static Color mediumseagreen = new Color( 60, 179, 113 );
  public final static Color mediumslateblue = new Color( 123, 104, 238 );
  public final static Color mediumspringgreen = new Color( 0, 250, 154 );
  public final static Color mediumturquoise = new Color( 72, 209, 204 );
  public final static Color mediumvioletred = new Color( 199, 21, 133 );
  public final static Color midnightblue = new Color( 25, 25, 112 );
  public final static Color mintcream = new Color( 245, 255, 250 );
  public final static Color mistyrose = new Color( 255, 228, 225 );
  public final static Color mocassin = new Color( 255, 228, 181 );
  public final static Color navajowhite = new Color( 255, 222, 173 );
  public final static Color navy = new Color( 0, 0, 128 );
  public final static Color oldlace = new Color( 253, 245, 230 );
  public final static Color olive = new Color( 128, 128, 0 );
  public final static Color olivedrab = new Color( 107, 142, 35 );
  public final static Color orange = new Color( 255, 165, 0 );
  public final static Color orangered = new Color( 255, 69, 0 );
  public final static Color orchid = new Color( 218, 112, 214 );
  public final static Color palegoldenrod = new Color( 238, 232, 170 );
  public final static Color palegreen = new Color( 152, 251, 152 );
  public final static Color paleturquoise = new Color( 175, 238, 238 );
  public final static Color palevioletred = new Color( 219, 112, 147 );
  public final static Color papayawhip = new Color( 255, 239, 213 );
  public final static Color peachpuff = new Color( 255, 218, 185 );
  public final static Color peru = new Color( 205, 133, 63 );
  public final static Color pink = new Color( 255, 192, 203 );
  public final static Color plum = new Color( 221, 160, 221 );
  public final static Color powderblue = new Color( 176, 224, 230 );
  public final static Color purple = new Color( 128, 0, 128 );
  public final static Color red = new Color( 255, 0, 0 );
  public final static Color rosybrown = new Color( 188, 143, 143 );
  public final static Color royalblue = new Color( 65, 105, 225 );
  public final static Color saddlebrown = new Color( 139, 69, 19 );
  public final static Color salmon = new Color( 250, 128, 114 );
  public final static Color sandybrown = new Color( 244, 164, 96 );
  public final static Color seagreen = new Color( 46, 139, 87 );
  public final static Color seashell = new Color( 255, 245, 238 );
  public final static Color sienna = new Color( 160, 82, 45 );
  public final static Color silver = new Color( 192, 192, 192 );
  public final static Color skyblue = new Color( 135, 206, 235 );
  public final static Color slateblue = new Color( 106, 90, 205 );
  public final static Color slategray = new Color( 112, 128, 144 );
  public final static Color snow = new Color( 255, 250, 250 );
  public final static Color springgreen = new Color( 0, 255, 127 );
  public final static Color steelblue = new Color( 70, 138, 180 );
  public final static Color tan = new Color( 210, 180, 140 );
  public final static Color teal = new Color( 0, 128, 128 );
  public final static Color thistle = new Color( 216, 191, 216 );
  public final static Color tomato = new Color( 253, 99, 71 );
  public final static Color turquoise = new Color( 64, 224, 208 );
  public final static Color violet = new Color( 238, 130, 238 );
  public final static Color wheat = new Color( 245, 222, 179 );
  public final static Color white = new Color( 255, 255, 255 );
  public final static Color whitesmoke = new Color( 245, 245, 245 );
  public final static Color yellow = new Color( 255, 255, 0 );
  public final static Color yellowgreen = new Color( 154, 205, 50 );
  private static HashMap _colors;
  private static Object[][] data =
        {"aliceblue", aliceblue},
        {"antiquewhite", antiquewhite},
        {"aqua", aqua},
        {"aquamarine", aquamarine},
        {"azure", azure},
        {"beige", beige},
        {"bisque", bisque},
        {"black", black},
        {"blanchedalmond", blanchedalmond},
        {"blue", blue},
        {"blueviolet", blueviolet},
        {"brown", brown},
        {"burlywood", burlywood},
        {"cadetblue", cadetblue},
        {"chartreuse", chartreuse},
        {"chocolate", chocolate},
        {"coral", coral},
        {"cornflowerblue", cornflowerblue},
        {"cornsilk", cornsilk},
        {"crimson", crimson},
        {"cyan", cyan},
        {"darkblue", darkblue},
        {"darkcyan", darkcyan},
        {"darkgoldenrod", darkgoldenrod},
        {"darkgray", darkgray},
        {"darkgreen", darkgreen},
        {"darkkhaki", darkkhaki},
        {"darkmagenta", darkmagenta},
        {"darkolivegreen", darkolivegreen},
        {"darkorange", darkorange},
        {"darkorchid", darkorchid},
        {"darkred", darkred},
        {"darksalmon", darksalmon},
        {"darkseagreen", darkseagreen},
        {"darkslateblue", darkslateblue},
        {"darkslategray", darkslategray},
        {"darkturquoise", darkturquoise},
        {"darkviolet", darkviolet},
        {"deeppink", deeppink},
        {"deepskyblue", deepskyblue},
        {"dimgray", dimgray},
        {"dodgerblue", dodgerblue},
        {"firebrick", firebrick},
        {"floralwhite", floralwhite},
        {"forestgreen", forestgreen},
        {"fuchsia", fuchsia},
        {"gainsboro", gainsboro},
        {"ghostwhite", ghostwhite},
        {"gold", gold},
        {"goldenrod", goldenrod},
        {"gray", gray},
        {"green", green},
        {"greenyellow", greenyellow},
        {"honeydew", honeydew},
        {"hotpink", hotpink},
        {"indianred", indianred},
        {"indigo", indigo},
        {"ivory", ivory},
        {"khaki", khaki},
        {"lavender", lavender},
        {"lavenderblush", lavenderblush},
        {"lawngreen", lawngreen},
        {"lemonchiffon", lemonchiffon},
        {"lightblue", lightblue},
        {"lightcoral", lightcoral},
        {"lightcyan", lightcyan},
        {"lightgoldenrodyellow", lightgoldenrodyellow},
        {"lightgreen", lightgreen},
        {"lightgrey", lightgrey},
        {"lightpink", lightpink},
        {"lightsalmon", lightsalmon},
        {"lightseagreen", lightseagreen},
        {"lightskyblue", lightskyblue},
        {"lightslategray", lightslategray},
        {"lightsteelblue", lightsteelblue},
        {"lightyellow", lightyellow},
        {"lime", lime},
        {"limegreen", limegreen},
        {"linen", linen},
        {"magenta", magenta},
        {"maroon", maroon},
        {"mediumaquamarine", mediumaquamarine},
        {"mediumblue", mediumblue},
        {"mediumorchid", mediumorchid},
        {"mediumpurple", mediumpurple},
        {"mediumseagreen", mediumseagreen},
        {"mediumslateblue", mediumslateblue},
        {"mediumspringgreen", mediumspringgreen},
        {"mediumturquoise", mediumturquoise},
        {"mediumvioletred", mediumvioletred},
        {"midnightblue", midnightblue},
        {"mintcream", mintcream},
        {"mistyrose", mistyrose},
        {"moccasin", mocassin},
        {"navajowhite", navajowhite},
        {"navy", navy},
        {"oldlace", oldlace},
        {"olive", olive},
        {"olivedrab", olivedrab},
        {"orange", orange},
        {"orangered", orangered},
        {"orchid", orchid},
        {"palegoldenrod", palegoldenrod},
        {"palegreen", palegreen},
        {"paleturquoise", paleturquoise},
        {"palevioletred", palevioletred},
        {"papayawhip", papayawhip},
        {"peachpuff", peachpuff},
        {"peru", peru},
        {"pink", pink},
        {"plum", plum},
        {"powderblue", powderblue},
        {"purple", purple},
        {"red", red},
        {"rosybrown", rosybrown},
        {"royalblue", royalblue},
        {"saddlebrown", saddlebrown},
        {"salmon", salmon},
        {"sandybrown", sandybrown},
        {"seagreen", seagreen},
        {"seashell", seashell},
        {"sienna", sienna},
        {"silver", silver},
        {"skyblue", skyblue},
        {"slateblue", slateblue},
        {"slategray", slategray},
        {"snow", snow},
        {"springgreen", springgreen},
        {"steelblue", steelblue},
        {"tan", tan},
        {"teal", teal},
        {"thistle", thistle},
        {"tomato", tomato},
        {"turquoise", turquoise},
        {"violet", violet},
        {"wheat", wheat},
        {"white", white},
        {"whitesmoke", whitesmoke},
        {"yellow", yellow},
        {"yellowgreen", yellowgreen},
  public static HashMap getColors()
     return _colors;
  public static Color findColor( String key )
     return ( Color ) _colors.get( key );
     _colors = new HashMap();
     for( int i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
        Object row[] = data[i];
        _colors.put( row[0], row[1] );



An efficient color quantization algorithm

<source lang="java"> /*

* @(#)    0.90 9/19/00 Adam Doppelt


* An efficient color quantization algorithm, adapted from the C++
* implementation quantize.c in 

public class Quantize { /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %  % %  % %  % % QQQ U U AAA N N TTTTT IIIII ZZZZZ EEEEE  % % Q Q U U A A NN N T I ZZ E  % % Q Q U U AAAAA N N N T I ZZZ EEEEE  % % Q QQ U U A A N NN T I ZZ E  % % QQQQ UUU A A N N T IIIII ZZZZZ EEEEE  % %  % %  % % Reduce the Number of Unique Colors in an Image  % %  % %  % % Software Design  % % John Cristy  % % July 1992  % %  % %  % % Copyright 1998 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company  % %  % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a  % % copy of this software and associated documentation files ("ImageMagick"),  % % to deal in ImageMagick without restriction, including without limitation  % % the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,  % % and/or sell copies of ImageMagick, and to permit persons to whom the  % % ImageMagick is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:  % %  % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in % % all copies or substantial portions of ImageMagick.  % %  % % The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or % % implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,  % % fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall  % % E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company be liable for any claim, damages or  % % other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise,  % % arising from, out of or in connection with ImageMagick or the use or other % % dealings in ImageMagick.  % %  % % Except as contained in this notice, the name of the E. I. du Pont de  % % Nemours and Company shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to  % % promote the sale, use or other dealings in ImageMagick without prior  % % written authorization from the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.  % %  % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Realism in computer graphics typically requires using 24 bits/pixel to % generate an image. Yet many graphic display devices do not contain % the amount of memory necessary to match the spatial and color % resolution of the human eye. The QUANTIZE program takes a 24 bit % image and reduces the number of colors so it can be displayed on % raster device with less bits per pixel. In most instances, the % quantized image closely resembles the original reference image. % % A reduction of colors in an image is also desirable for image % transmission and real-time animation. % % Function Quantize takes a standard RGB or monochrome images and quantizes % them down to some fixed number of colors. % % For purposes of color allocation, an image is a set of n pixels, where % each pixel is a point in RGB space. RGB space is a 3-dimensional % vector space, and each pixel, pi, is defined by an ordered triple of % red, green, and blue coordinates, (ri, gi, bi). % % Each primary color component (red, green, or blue) represents an % intensity which varies linearly from 0 to a maximum value, cmax, which % corresponds to full saturation of that color. Color allocation is % defined over a domain consisting of the cube in RGB space with % opposite vertices at (0,0,0) and (cmax,cmax,cmax). QUANTIZE requires % cmax = 255. % % The algorithm maps this domain onto a tree in which each node % represents a cube within that domain. In the following discussion % these cubes are defined by the coordinate of two opposite vertices: % The vertex nearest the origin in RGB space and the vertex farthest % from the origin. % % The tree"s root node represents the the entire domain, (0,0,0) through % (cmax,cmax,cmax). Each lower level in the tree is generated by % subdividing one node"s cube into eight smaller cubes of equal size. % This corresponds to bisecting the parent cube with planes passing % through the midpoints of each edge. % % The basic algorithm operates in three phases: Classification, % Reduction, and Assignment. Classification builds a color % description tree for the image. Reduction collapses the tree until % the number it represents, at most, the number of colors desired in the % output image. Assignment defines the output image"s color map and % sets each pixel"s color by reclassification in the reduced tree. % Our goal is to minimize the numerical discrepancies between the original % colors and quantized colors (quantization error). % % Classification begins by initializing a color description tree of % sufficient depth to represent each possible input color in a leaf. % However, it is impractical to generate a fully-formed color % description tree in the classification phase for realistic values of % cmax. If colors components in the input image are quantized to k-bit % precision, so that cmax= 2k-1, the tree would need k levels below the % root node to allow representing each possible input color in a leaf. % This becomes prohibitive because the tree"s total number of nodes is % 1 + sum(i=1,k,8k). % % A complete tree would require 19,173,961 nodes for k = 8, cmax = 255. % Therefore, to avoid building a fully populated tree, QUANTIZE: (1) % Initializes data structures for nodes only as they are needed; (2) % Chooses a maximum depth for the tree as a function of the desired % number of colors in the output image (currently log2(colormap size)). % % For each pixel in the input image, classification scans downward from % the root of the color description tree. At each level of the tree it % identifies the single node which represents a cube in RGB space % containing the pixel"s color. It updates the following data for each % such node: % % n1: Number of pixels whose color is contained in the RGB cube % which this node represents; % % n2: Number of pixels whose color is not represented in a node at % lower depth in the tree; initially, n2 = 0 for all nodes except % leaves of the tree. % % Sr, Sg, Sb: Sums of the red, green, and blue component values for % all pixels not classified at a lower depth. The combination of % these sums and n2 will ultimately characterize the mean color of a % set of pixels represented by this node. % % E: The distance squared in RGB space between each pixel contained % within a node and the nodes" center. This represents the quantization % error for a node. % % Reduction repeatedly prunes the tree until the number of nodes with % n2 > 0 is less than or equal to the maximum number of colors allowed % in the output image. On any given iteration over the tree, it selects % those nodes whose E count is minimal for pruning and merges their % color statistics upward. It uses a pruning threshold, Ep, to govern % node selection as follows: % % Ep = 0 % while number of nodes with (n2 > 0) > required maximum number of colors % prune all nodes such that E <= Ep % Set Ep to minimum E in remaining nodes % % This has the effect of minimizing any quantization error when merging % two nodes together. % % When a node to be pruned has offspring, the pruning procedure invokes % itself recursively in order to prune the tree from the leaves upward. % n2, Sr, Sg, and Sb in a node being pruned are always added to the % corresponding data in that node"s parent. This retains the pruned % node"s color characteristics for later averaging. % % For each node, n2 pixels exist for which that node represents the % smallest volume in RGB space containing those pixel"s colors. When n2 % > 0 the node will uniquely define a color in the output image. At the % beginning of reduction, n2 = 0 for all nodes except a the leaves of % the tree which represent colors present in the input image. % % The other pixel count, n1, indicates the total number of colors % within the cubic volume which the node represents. This includes n1 - % n2 pixels whose colors should be defined by nodes at a lower level in % the tree. % % Assignment generates the output image from the pruned tree. The % output image consists of two parts: (1) A color map, which is an % array of color descriptions (RGB triples) for each color present in % the output image; (2) A pixel array, which represents each pixel as % an index into the color map array. % % First, the assignment phase makes one pass over the pruned color % description tree to establish the image"s color map. For each node % with n2 > 0, it divides Sr, Sg, and Sb by n2 . This produces the % mean color of all pixels that classify no lower than this node. Each % of these colors becomes an entry in the color map. % % Finally, the assignment phase reclassifies each pixel in the pruned % tree to identify the deepest node containing the pixel"s color. The % pixel"s value in the pixel array becomes the index of this node"s mean % color in the color map. % % With the permission of USC Information Sciences Institute, 4676 Admiralty % Way, Marina del Rey, California 90292, this code was adapted from module % ALCOLS written by Paul Raveling. % % The names of ISI and USC are not used in advertising or publicity % pertaining to distribution of the software without prior specific % written permission from ISI. %

  • /
   final static boolean QUICK = true;
   final static int MAX_RGB = 255;
   final static int MAX_NODES = 266817;
   final static int MAX_TREE_DEPTH = 8;
   // these are precomputed in advance
   static int SQUARES[];
   static int SHIFT[];
   static {
       SQUARES = new int[MAX_RGB + MAX_RGB + 1];
       for (int i= -MAX_RGB; i <= MAX_RGB; i++) {
           SQUARES[i + MAX_RGB] = i * i;
       SHIFT = new int[MAX_TREE_DEPTH + 1];
       for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TREE_DEPTH + 1; ++i) {
           SHIFT[i] = 1 << (15 - i);
    * Reduce the image to the given number of colors. The pixels are
    * reduced in place.
    * @return The new color palette.
   public static int[] quantizeImage(int pixels[][], int max_colors) {
       Cube cube = new Cube(pixels, max_colors);
       return cube.colormap;
   static class Cube {
       int pixels[][];
       int max_colors;
       int colormap[];
       Node root;
       int depth;
       // counter for the number of colors in the cube. this gets
       // recalculated often.
       int colors;
       // counter for the number of nodes in the tree
       int nodes;
       Cube(int pixels[][], int max_colors) {
           this.pixels = pixels;
           this.max_colors = max_colors;
           int i = max_colors;
           // tree_depth = log max_colors
           //                 4
           for (depth = 1; i != 0; depth++) {
               i /= 4;
           if (depth > 1) {
           if (depth > MAX_TREE_DEPTH) {
               depth = MAX_TREE_DEPTH;
           } else if (depth < 2) {
               depth = 2;
           root = new Node(this);
        * Procedure Classification begins by initializing a color
        * description tree of sufficient depth to represent each
        * possible input color in a leaf. However, it is impractical
        * to generate a fully-formed color description tree in the
        * classification phase for realistic values of cmax. If
        * colors components in the input image are quantized to k-bit
        * precision, so that cmax= 2k-1, the tree would need k levels
        * below the root node to allow representing each possible
        * input color in a leaf. This becomes prohibitive because the
        * tree"s total number of nodes is 1 + sum(i=1,k,8k).
        * A complete tree would require 19,173,961 nodes for k = 8,
        * cmax = 255. Therefore, to avoid building a fully populated
        * tree, QUANTIZE: (1) Initializes data structures for nodes
        * only as they are needed; (2) Chooses a maximum depth for
        * the tree as a function of the desired number of colors in
        * the output image (currently log2(colormap size)).
        * For each pixel in the input image, classification scans
        * downward from the root of the color description tree. At
        * each level of the tree it identifies the single node which
        * represents a cube in RGB space containing It updates the
        * following data for each such node:
        *   number_pixels : Number of pixels whose color is contained
        *   in the RGB cube which this node represents;
        *   unique : Number of pixels whose color is not represented
        *   in a node at lower depth in the tree; initially, n2 = 0
        *   for all nodes except leaves of the tree.
        *   total_red/green/blue : Sums of the red, green, and blue
        *   component values for all pixels not classified at a lower
        *   depth. The combination of these sums and n2 will
        *   ultimately characterize the mean color of a set of pixels
        *   represented by this node.
       void classification() {
           int pixels[][] = this.pixels;
           int width = pixels.length;
           int height = pixels[0].length;
           // convert to indexed color
           for (int x = width; x-- > 0; ) {
               for (int y = height; y-- > 0; ) {
                   int pixel = pixels[x][y];
                   int red   = (pixel >> 16) & 0xFF;
                   int green = (pixel >>  8) & 0xFF;
                   int blue  = (pixel >>  0) & 0xFF;
                   // a hard limit on the number of nodes in the tree
                   if (nodes > MAX_NODES) {
                   // walk the tree to depth, increasing the
                   // number_pixels count for each node
                   Node node = root;
                   for (int level = 1; level <= depth; ++level) {
                       int id = (((red   > node.mid_red   ? 1 : 0) << 0) |
                                 ((green > node.mid_green ? 1 : 0) << 1) |
                                 ((blue  > node.mid_blue  ? 1 : 0) << 2));
                       if (node.child[id] == null) {
                           new Node(node, id, level);
                       node = node.child[id];
                       node.number_pixels += SHIFT[level];
                   node.total_red   += red;
                   node.total_green += green;
                   node.total_blue  += blue;
        * reduction repeatedly prunes the tree until the number of
        * nodes with unique > 0 is less than or equal to the maximum
        * number of colors allowed in the output image.
        * When a node to be pruned has offspring, the pruning
        * procedure invokes itself recursively in order to prune the
        * tree from the leaves upward.  The statistics of the node
        * being pruned are always added to the corresponding data in
        * that node"s parent.  This retains the pruned node"s color
        * characteristics for later averaging.
       void reduction() {
           int threshold = 1;
           while (colors > max_colors) {
               colors = 0;
               threshold = root.reduce(threshold, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        * The result of a closest color search.
       static class Search {
           int distance;
           int color_number;
        * Procedure assignment generates the output image from the
        * pruned tree. The output image consists of two parts: (1) A
        * color map, which is an array of color descriptions (RGB
        * triples) for each color present in the output image; (2) A
        * pixel array, which represents each pixel as an index into
        * the color map array.
        * First, the assignment phase makes one pass over the pruned
        * color description tree to establish the image"s color map.
        * For each node with n2 > 0, it divides Sr, Sg, and Sb by n2.
        * This produces the mean color of all pixels that classify no
        * lower than this node. Each of these colors becomes an entry
        * in the color map.
        * Finally, the assignment phase reclassifies each pixel in
        * the pruned tree to identify the deepest node containing the
        * pixel"s color. The pixel"s value in the pixel array becomes
        * the index of this node"s mean color in the color map.
       void assignment() {
           colormap = new int[colors];
           colors = 0;
           int pixels[][] = this.pixels;
           int width = pixels.length;
           int height = pixels[0].length;
           Search search = new Search();
           // convert to indexed color
           for (int x = width; x-- > 0; ) {
               for (int y = height; y-- > 0; ) {
                   int pixel = pixels[x][y];
                   int red   = (pixel >> 16) & 0xFF;
                   int green = (pixel >>  8) & 0xFF;
                   int blue  = (pixel >>  0) & 0xFF;
                   // walk the tree to find the cube containing that color
                   Node node = root;
                   for ( ; ; ) {
                       int id = (((red   > node.mid_red   ? 1 : 0) << 0) |
                                 ((green > node.mid_green ? 1 : 0) << 1) |
                                 ((blue  > node.mid_blue  ? 1 : 0) << 2)  );
                       if (node.child[id] == null) {
                       node = node.child[id];
                   if (QUICK) {
                       // if QUICK is set, just use that
                       // node. Strictly speaking, this isn"t
                       // necessarily best match.
                       pixels[x][y] = node.color_number;
                   } else {
                       // Find the closest color.
                       search.distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                       node.parent.closestColor(red, green, blue, search);
                       pixels[x][y] = search.color_number;
        * A single Node in the tree.
       static class Node {
           Cube cube;
           // parent node
           Node parent;
           // child nodes
           Node child[];
           int nchild;
           // our index within our parent
           int id;
           // our level within the tree
           int level;
           // our color midpoint
           int mid_red;
           int mid_green;
           int mid_blue;
           // the pixel count for this node and all children
           int number_pixels;
           // the pixel count for this node
           int unique;
           // the sum of all pixels contained in this node
           int total_red;
           int total_green;
           int total_blue;
           // used to build the colormap
           int color_number;
           Node(Cube cube) {
               this.cube = cube;
               this.parent = this;
               this.child = new Node[8];
      = 0;
               this.level = 0;
               this.number_pixels = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
               this.mid_red   = (MAX_RGB + 1) >> 1;
               this.mid_green = (MAX_RGB + 1) >> 1;
               this.mid_blue  = (MAX_RGB + 1) >> 1;
           Node(Node parent, int id, int level) {
               this.cube = parent.cube;
               this.parent = parent;
               this.child = new Node[8];
      = id;
               this.level = level;
               // add to the cube
               if (level == cube.depth) {
               // add to the parent
               parent.child[id] = this;
               // figure out our midpoint
               int bi = (1 << (MAX_TREE_DEPTH - level)) >> 1;
               mid_red   = parent.mid_red   + ((id & 1) > 0 ? bi : -bi);
               mid_green = parent.mid_green + ((id & 2) > 0 ? bi : -bi);
               mid_blue  = parent.mid_blue  + ((id & 4) > 0 ? bi : -bi);
            * Remove this child node, and make sure our parent
            * absorbs our pixel statistics.
           void pruneChild() {
               parent.unique += unique;
               parent.total_red     += total_red;
               parent.total_green   += total_green;
               parent.total_blue    += total_blue;
               parent.child[id] = null;
               cube = null;
               parent = null;
            * Prune the lowest layer of the tree.
           void pruneLevel() {
               if (nchild != 0) {
                   for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
                       if (child[id] != null) {
               if (level == cube.depth) {
            * Remove any nodes that have fewer than threshold
            * pixels. Also, as long as we"re walking the tree:
            *  - figure out the color with the fewest pixels
            *  - recalculate the total number of colors in the tree
           int reduce(int threshold, int next_threshold) {
               if (nchild != 0) {
                   for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
                       if (child[id] != null) {
                           next_threshold = child[id].reduce(threshold, next_threshold);
               if (number_pixels <= threshold) {
               } else {
                   if (unique != 0) {
                   if (number_pixels < next_threshold) {
                       next_threshold = number_pixels;
               return next_threshold;
            * colormap traverses the color cube tree and notes each
            * colormap entry. A colormap entry is any node in the
            * color cube tree where the number of unique colors is
            * not zero.
           void colormap() {
               if (nchild != 0) {
                   for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
                       if (child[id] != null) {
               if (unique != 0) {
                   int r = ((total_red   + (unique >> 1)) / unique);
                   int g = ((total_green + (unique >> 1)) / unique);
                   int b = ((total_blue  + (unique >> 1)) / unique);
                   cube.colormap[cube.colors] = (((    0xFF) << 24) |
                                                 ((r & 0xFF) << 16) |
                                                 ((g & 0xFF) <<  8) |
                                                 ((b & 0xFF) <<  0));
                   color_number = cube.colors++;
           /* ClosestColor traverses the color cube tree at a
            * particular node and determines which colormap entry
            * best represents the input color.
           void closestColor(int red, int green, int blue, Search search) {
               if (nchild != 0) {
                   for (int id = 0; id < 8; id++) {
                       if (child[id] != null) {
                           child[id].closestColor(red, green, blue, search);
               if (unique != 0) {
                   int color = cube.colormap[color_number];
                   int distance = distance(color, red, green, blue);
                   if (distance < search.distance) {
                       search.distance = distance;
                       search.color_number = color_number;
            * Figure out the distance between this node and som color.
           final static int distance(int color, int r, int g, int b) {
               return (SQUARES[((color >> 16) & 0xFF) - r + MAX_RGB] +
                       SQUARES[((color >>  8) & 0xFF) - g + MAX_RGB] +
                       SQUARES[((color >>  0) & 0xFF) - b + MAX_RGB]);
           public String toString() {
               StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
               if (parent == this) {
               } else {
               buf.append(" ");
               buf.append(" [");
               return new String(buf);



Color class is used to work with colors in Java 2D

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Colors extends JPanel {

 public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
   Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
   g2d.setColor(new Color(12, 16, 116));
   g2d.fillRect(10, 15, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(42, 19, 31));
   g2d.fillRect(130, 15, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(70, 7, 23));
   g2d.fillRect(250, 15, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(10, 10, 84));
   g2d.fillRect(10, 105, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(22, 21, 61));
   g2d.fillRect(130, 105, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(21, 98, 69));
   g2d.fillRect(250, 105, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(217, 146, 54));
   g2d.fillRect(10, 195, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(63, 121, 186));
   g2d.fillRect(130, 195, 90, 60);
   g2d.setColor(new Color(131, 121, 11));
   g2d.fillRect(250, 195, 90, 60);
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   JFrame frame = new JFrame("Colors");
   frame.add(new Colors());
   frame.setSize(360, 300);



Color Difference

<source lang="java">

import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.Timer; /*

* Created on May 3, 2007, 7:12 AM
* Copyright (c) 2007, Sun Microsystems, Inc
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
*   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
*   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
*     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
*     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
*     with the distribution.
*   * Neither the name of the TimingFramework project nor the names of its
*     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
*     from this software without specific prior written permission.


* @author Chet

public class ColorDifference extends JComponent implements ActionListener {

 private Color largeRectColors[] = { Color.BLACK, new Color(3, 3, 3) };
 private Color smallRectColors[] = { Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE };
 private int colorIndex = 0;
 private static int FADE_X = 0;
 private static int BLANK_X = 0;
 /** Creates a new instance of ColorDifference */
 public ColorDifference() {
   Timer timer = new Timer(1000, this);
   setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));
  * Displays our component with the animating colors of the areas on the left
  * and right, separated by an area of white in the middle
 protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
   int fadeX = 0;
   int blankX = getWidth() / 3;
   int bigRectW = getWidth() / 3;
   // Fill left-side rectangle with current animating color
   g.fillRect(0, 0, bigRectW, getHeight());
   // Fill middle area with white
   g.fillRect(bigRectW, 0, bigRectW, getHeight());
   // Fill right-side rectangle with black, with a white square
   // in the middle
   int bigRectX = 2 * bigRectW;
   int smallRectW = 4;
   int smallRectH = 4;
   int smallRectX = bigRectX + (bigRectW / 2) - (smallRectW / 2);
   int smallRectY = (getHeight() / 2) - (smallRectH / 2);
   g.fillRect(2 * getWidth() / 3, 0, getWidth() / 3, getHeight());
   g.fillRect(smallRectX, smallRectY, smallRectW, smallRectH);
  * Handles Timer events by toggling the colorIndex used to fill the left-side
  * rectangle
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
   colorIndex = colorIndex % 2;
 private static void createAndShowGUI() {
   JFrame f = new JFrame("Color Difference");
   f.setSize(300, 200);
   ColorDifference component = new ColorDifference();
  * @param args
  *          the command line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Runnable doCreateAndShowGUI = new Runnable() {
     public void run() {



Color Factory

<source lang="java"> /*

   Copyright (C) 2006 The Lobo Project
   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
   Contact info:
  • /


* Created on Apr 17, 2005

import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; import java.awt.*; /**

* @author J. H. S.

public class ColorFactory {

 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ColorFactory.class.getName());
 public static final Color TRANSPARENT = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
 private static ColorFactory instance;
 private final Map colorMap = new HashMap(256);
 private ColorFactory() {
   Map colorMap = this.colorMap;
   synchronized(this) {      
     colorMap.put("transparent", TRANSPARENT);
     colorMap.put("aliceblue", new Color(0xf0f8ff));
     colorMap.put("antiquewhite", new Color(0xfaebd7));
     colorMap.put("aqua", new Color(0x00ffff));
     colorMap.put("aquamarine", new Color(0x7fffd4));
     colorMap.put("azure", new Color(0xf0ffff));
     colorMap.put("beige", new Color(0xf5f5dc));
     colorMap.put("bisque", new Color(0xffe4c4));
     colorMap.put("black", new Color(0x000000));
     colorMap.put("blanchedalmond", new Color(0xffebcd));
     colorMap.put("blue", new Color(0x0000ff));
     colorMap.put("blueviolet", new Color(0x8a2be2));
     colorMap.put("brown", new Color(0xa52a2a));
     colorMap.put("burlywood", new Color(0xdeb887));
     colorMap.put("cadetblue", new Color(0x5f9ea0));
     colorMap.put("chartreuse", new Color(0x7fff00));
     colorMap.put("chocolate", new Color(0xd2691e));
     colorMap.put("coral", new Color(0xff7f50));
     colorMap.put("cornflowerblue", new Color(0x6495ed));
     colorMap.put("cornsilk", new Color(0xfff8dc));
     colorMap.put("crimson", new Color(0xdc143c));
     colorMap.put("cyan", new Color(0x00ffff));
     colorMap.put("darkblue", new Color(0x00008b));
     colorMap.put("darkcyan", new Color(0x008b8b));
     colorMap.put("darkgoldenrod", new Color(0xb8860b));
     colorMap.put("darkgray", new Color(0xa9a9a9));
     colorMap.put("darkgrey", new Color(0xa9a9a9));
     colorMap.put("darkgreen", new Color(0x006400));
     colorMap.put("darkkhaki", new Color(0xbdb76b));
     colorMap.put("darkmagenta", new Color(0x8b008b));
     colorMap.put("darkolivegreen", new Color(0x556b2f));
     colorMap.put("darkorange", new Color(0xff8c00));
     colorMap.put("darkorchid", new Color(0x9932cc));
     colorMap.put("darkred", new Color(0x8b0000));
     colorMap.put("darksalmon", new Color(0xe9967a));
     colorMap.put("darkseagreen", new Color(0x8fbc8f));
     colorMap.put("darkslateblue", new Color(0x483d8b));
     colorMap.put("darkslategray", new Color(0x2f4f4f));
     colorMap.put("darkslategrey", new Color(0x2f4f4f));
     colorMap.put("darkturquoise", new Color(0x00ced1));
     colorMap.put("darkviolet", new Color(0x9400d3));
     colorMap.put("deeppink", new Color(0xff1493));
     colorMap.put("deepskyblue", new Color(0x00bfff));
     colorMap.put("dimgray", new Color(0x696969));
     colorMap.put("dimgrey", new Color(0x696969));
     colorMap.put("dodgerblue", new Color(0x1e90ff));
     colorMap.put("firebrick", new Color(0xb22222));
     colorMap.put("floralwhite", new Color(0xfffaf0));
     colorMap.put("forestgreen", new Color(0x228b22));
     colorMap.put("fuchsia", new Color(0xff00ff));
     colorMap.put("gainsboro", new Color(0xdcdcdc));
     colorMap.put("ghostwhite", new Color(0xf8f8ff));
     colorMap.put("gold", new Color(0xffd700));
     colorMap.put("goldenrod", new Color(0xdaa520));
     colorMap.put("gray", new Color(0x808080));
     colorMap.put("grey", new Color(0x808080));
     colorMap.put("green", new Color(0x008000));
     colorMap.put("greenyellow", new Color(0xadff2f));
     colorMap.put("honeydew", new Color(0xf0fff0));
     colorMap.put("hotpink", new Color(0xff69b4));
     colorMap.put("indianred", new Color(0xcd5c5c));
     colorMap.put("indigo", new Color(0x4b0082));
     colorMap.put("ivory", new Color(0xfffff0));
     colorMap.put("khaki", new Color(0xf0e68c));
     colorMap.put("lavender", new Color(0xe6e6fa));
     colorMap.put("lavenderblush", new Color(0xfff0f5));
     colorMap.put("lawngreen", new Color(0x7cfc00));
     colorMap.put("lemonchiffon", new Color(0xfffacd));
     colorMap.put("lightblue", new Color(0xadd8e6));
     colorMap.put("lightcoral", new Color(0xf08080));
     colorMap.put("lightcyan", new Color(0xe0ffff));
     colorMap.put("lightgoldenrodyellow", new Color(0xfafad2));
     colorMap.put("lightgray", new Color(0xd3d3d3));
     colorMap.put("lightgrey", new Color(0xd3d3d3));
     colorMap.put("lightgreen", new Color(0x90ee90));
     colorMap.put("lightpink", new Color(0xffb6c1));
     colorMap.put("lightsalmon", new Color(0xffa07a));
     colorMap.put("lightseagreen", new Color(0x20b2aa));
     colorMap.put("lightskyblue", new Color(0x87cefa));
     colorMap.put("lightslategray", new Color(0x778899));
     colorMap.put("lightslategrey", new Color(0x778899));
     colorMap.put("lightsteelblue", new Color(0xb0c4de));
     colorMap.put("lightyellow", new Color(0xffffe0));
     colorMap.put("lime", new Color(0x00ff00));
     colorMap.put("limegreen", new Color(0x32cd32));
     colorMap.put("linen", new Color(0xfaf0e6));
     colorMap.put("magenta", new Color(0xff00ff));
     colorMap.put("maroon", new Color(0x800000));
     colorMap.put("mediumaquamarine", new Color(0x66cdaa));
     colorMap.put("mediumblue", new Color(0x0000cd));
     colorMap.put("mediumorchid", new Color(0xba55d3));
     colorMap.put("mediumpurple", new Color(0x9370d8));
     colorMap.put("mediumseagreen", new Color(0x3cb371));
     colorMap.put("mediumslateblue", new Color(0x7b68ee));
     colorMap.put("mediumspringgreen", new Color(0x00fa9a));
     colorMap.put("mediumturquoise", new Color(0x48d1cc));
     colorMap.put("mediumvioletred", new Color(0xc71585));
     colorMap.put("midnightblue", new Color(0x191970));
     colorMap.put("mintcream", new Color(0xf5fffa));
     colorMap.put("mistyrose", new Color(0xffe4e1));
     colorMap.put("moccasin", new Color(0xffe4b5));
     colorMap.put("navajowhite", new Color(0xffdead));
     colorMap.put("navy", new Color(0x000080));
     colorMap.put("oldlace", new Color(0xfdf5e6));
     colorMap.put("olive", new Color(0x808000));
     colorMap.put("olivedrab", new Color(0x6b8e23));
     colorMap.put("orange", new Color(0xffa500));
     colorMap.put("orangered", new Color(0xff4500));
     colorMap.put("orchid", new Color(0xda70d6));
     colorMap.put("palegoldenrod", new Color(0xeee8aa));
     colorMap.put("palegreen", new Color(0x98fb98));
     colorMap.put("paleturquoise", new Color(0xafeeee));
     colorMap.put("palevioletred", new Color(0xd87093));
     colorMap.put("papayawhip", new Color(0xffefd5));
     colorMap.put("peachpuff", new Color(0xffdab9));
     colorMap.put("peru", new Color(0xcd853f));
     colorMap.put("pink", new Color(0xffc0cb));
     colorMap.put("plum", new Color(0xdda0dd));
     colorMap.put("powderblue", new Color(0xb0e0e6));
     colorMap.put("purple", new Color(0x800080));
     colorMap.put("red", new Color(0xff0000));
     colorMap.put("rosybrown", new Color(0xbc8f8f));
     colorMap.put("royalblue", new Color(0x4169e1));
     colorMap.put("saddlebrown", new Color(0x8b4513));
     colorMap.put("salmon", new Color(0xfa8072));
     colorMap.put("sandybrown", new Color(0xf4a460));
     colorMap.put("seagreen", new Color(0x2e8b57));
     colorMap.put("seashell", new Color(0xfff5ee));
     colorMap.put("sienna", new Color(0xa0522d));
     colorMap.put("silver", new Color(0xc0c0c0));
     colorMap.put("skyblue", new Color(0x87ceeb));
     colorMap.put("slateblue", new Color(0x6a5acd));
     colorMap.put("slategray", new Color(0x708090));
     colorMap.put("slategrey", new Color(0x708090));
     colorMap.put("snow", new Color(0xfffafa));
     colorMap.put("springgreen", new Color(0x00ff7f));
     colorMap.put("steelblue", new Color(0x4682b4));
     colorMap.put("tan", new Color(0xd2b48c));
     colorMap.put("teal", new Color(0x008080));
     colorMap.put("thistle", new Color(0xd8bfd8));
     colorMap.put("tomato", new Color(0xff6347));
     colorMap.put("turquoise", new Color(0x40e0d0));
     colorMap.put("violet", new Color(0xee82ee));
     colorMap.put("wheat", new Color(0xf5deb3));
     colorMap.put("white", new Color(0xffffff));
     colorMap.put("whitesmoke", new Color(0xf5f5f5));
     colorMap.put("yellow", new Color(0xffff00));
     colorMap.put("yellowgreen", new Color(0x9acd32));
 public static final ColorFactory getInstance() {
   if(instance == null) {
     synchronized(ColorFactory.class) {
       if(instance == null) {
         instance = new ColorFactory();
   return instance;
 private static final String RGB_START = "rgb(";
 public boolean isColor(String colorSpec) {
   if(colorSpec.startsWith("#")) {
     return true;
   String normalSpec = colorSpec.toLowerCase();
   if(normalSpec.startsWith(RGB_START)) {
     return true;
   synchronized(this) {
     return colorMap.containsKey(normalSpec);
 public Color getColor(String colorSpec) {
   String normalSpec = colorSpec.toLowerCase();
   synchronized(this) {
     Color color = (Color) colorMap.get(normalSpec);
     if(color == null) {
       if(normalSpec.startsWith(RGB_START)) {
         // CssParser produces this format.          
         int endIdx = normalSpec.lastIndexOf(")");
         String commaValues = endIdx == -1 ? normalSpec.substring(RGB_START.length()) : normalSpec.substring(RGB_START.length(), endIdx);
         StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(commaValues, ",");
         int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
         if(tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
           String rstr = tok.nextToken().trim();
           try {
             r = Integer.parseInt(rstr);
           } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
             // ignore
           if(tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
             String gstr = tok.nextToken().trim();
             try {
               g = Integer.parseInt(gstr);
             } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
               // ignore
             if(tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
               String bstr = tok.nextToken().trim();
               try {
                 b = Integer.parseInt(bstr);
               } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
                 // ignore
         color = new Color(r, g, b);
       else if(normalSpec.startsWith("#")) {
         //TODO: OPTIMIZE: It would be more efficient to
         //create new Color(hex), but CssParser doesn"t
         //give us values formatted with "#" either way.
         int len = normalSpec.length();
         int[] rgba = new int[4];
         rgba[3] = 255;
         for(int i = 0; i < rgba.length; i++) 
           int idx = 2 * i + 1;
           if(idx < len) 
             String hexText = normalSpec.substring(idx, idx + Math.min(2, len - idx));
             try {
               rgba[i] = Integer.parseInt(hexText, 16);
             } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
               // Ignore
         color = new Color(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);
       else {
         if(logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
           logger.warning("getColor(): Color spec [" + normalSpec + "] unknown.");
         return Color.RED;
       colorMap.put(normalSpec, color);
     return color;



Color fading animation

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class ColorFadingAnimation extends JPanel {

 private Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(20f, 20f, 80f, 50f);
 private float alpha_rectangle = 1f;
 public ColorFadingAnimation() {
   new RectRunnable();
 public void paint(Graphics g) {
   Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
   g2d.setColor(new Color(50, 50, 50));
   RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
   rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
   g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha_rectangle));
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   JFrame frame = new JFrame("Color fading aniamtion");
   frame.add(new ColorFadingAnimation());
   frame.setSize(250, 150);
 class RectRunnable implements Runnable {
   private Thread runner;
   public RectRunnable() {
     runner = new Thread(this);
   public void run() {
     while (alpha_rectangle >= 0) {
       alpha_rectangle += -0.01f;
       if (alpha_rectangle < 0) {
         alpha_rectangle = 0;
       try {
       } catch (Exception e) {



Color Util

<source lang="java"> /*

* Copyright (C) 2004 NNL Technology AB
* Visit for information about InfoNode(R) 
* products and how to contact NNL Technology AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, 
* MA 02111-1307, USA.

// $Id:,v 1.10 2005/02/16 11:28:14 jesper Exp $

import java.awt.*; public final class ColorUtil {

 private ColorUtil() {
 public static Color getOpposite(Color c) {
   return isDark(c) ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK;
 public static Color shade(Color c, double amount) {
   return blend(c, getOpposite(c), amount);
 public static final Color mult(Color c, double amount) {
   return c == null ? null : new Color(Math.min(255, (int) (c.getRed() * amount)),
                                       Math.min(255, (int) (c.getGreen() * amount)),
                                       Math.min(255, (int) (c.getBlue() * amount)),
 public static Color setAlpha(Color c, int alpha) {
   return c == null ? null : new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), alpha);
 public static final Color add(Color c1, Color c2) {
   return c1 == null ? c2 :
          c2 == null ? c1 :
          new Color(Math.min(255, c1.getRed() + c2.getRed()),
                    Math.min(255, c1.getGreen() + c2.getGreen()),
                    Math.min(255, c1.getBlue() + c2.getBlue()),
 public static Color blend(Color c1, Color c2, double v) {
   double v2 = 1 - v;
   return c1 == null ? (c2 == null ? null : c2) :
          c2 == null ? c1 :
          new Color(Math.min(255, (int) (c1.getRed() * v2 + c2.getRed() * v)),
                    Math.min(255, (int) (c1.getGreen() * v2 + c2.getGreen() * v)),
                    Math.min(255, (int) (c1.getBlue() * v2 + c2.getBlue() * v)),
                    Math.min(255, (int) (c1.getAlpha() * v2 + c2.getAlpha() * v)));
 public static boolean isDark(Color c) {
   return c.getRed() + c.getGreen() + c.getBlue() < 3 * 180;
 public static Color highlight(Color c) {
   return mult(c, isDark(c) ? 1.5F : 0.67F);
 public static Color copy(Color c) {
   return c == null ? null : new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), c.getAlpha());



Color Utilities: common color operations

<source lang="java">

 * $Id:,v 1.1 2006/12/15 13:53:13 gfx Exp $
 * Dual-licensed under LGPL (Sun and Romain Guy) and BSD (Romain Guy).
 * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle,
 * Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Romain Guy <>
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
 *    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

ColorUtilities contains a set of tools to perform * common color operations easily.

 * @author Romain Guy <>
 class ColorUtilities {
    private ColorUtilities() {

Returns the HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) equivalent of a given * RGB color. All three HSL components are between 0.0 and 1.0.

     * @param color the RGB color to convert
     * @return a new array of 3 floats corresponding to the HSL components
    public static float[] RGBtoHSL(Color color) {
        return RGBtoHSL(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), null);

Returns the HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) equivalent of a given * RGB color. All three HSL components are between 0.0 and 1.0.

     * @param color the RGB color to convert
     * @param hsl a pre-allocated array of floats; can be null
     * @return hsl if non-null, a new array of 3 floats otherwise
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if hsl has a length lower
     *   than 3
    public static float[] RGBtoHSL(Color color, float[] hsl) {
        return RGBtoHSL(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), hsl);

Returns the HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) equivalent of a given * RGB color. All three HSL components are between 0.0 and 1.0.

     * @param r the red component, between 0 and 255
     * @param g the green component, between 0 and 255
     * @param b the blue component, between 0 and 255
     * @return a new array of 3 floats corresponding to the HSL components
    public static float[] RGBtoHSL(int r, int g, int b) {
        return RGBtoHSL(r, g, b, null);

Returns the HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) equivalent of a given * RGB color. All three HSL components are floats between 0.0 and 1.0.

     * @param r the red component, between 0 and 255
     * @param g the green component, between 0 and 255
     * @param b the blue component, between 0 and 255
     * @param hsl a pre-allocated array of floats; can be null
     * @return hsl if non-null, a new array of 3 floats otherwise
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if hsl has a length lower
     *   than 3
    public static float[] RGBtoHSL(int r, int g, int b, float[] hsl) {
        if (hsl == null) {
            hsl = new float[3];
        } else if (hsl.length < 3) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("hsl array must have a length of" +
                                               " at least 3");
        if (r < 0) r = 0;
        else if (r > 255) r = 255;
        if (g < 0) g = 0;
        else if (g > 255) g = 255;
        if (b < 0) b = 0;
        else if (b > 255) b = 255;
        float var_R = (r / 255f);
        float var_G = (g / 255f);
        float var_B = (b / 255f);
        float var_Min;
        float var_Max;
        float del_Max;
        if (var_R > var_G) {
            var_Min = var_G;
            var_Max = var_R;
        } else {
            var_Min = var_R;
            var_Max = var_G;
        if (var_B > var_Max) {
            var_Max = var_B;
        if (var_B < var_Min) {
            var_Min = var_B;
        del_Max = var_Max - var_Min;
        float H, S, L;
        L = (var_Max + var_Min) / 2f;
        if (del_Max - 0.01f <= 0.0f) {
            H = 0;
            S = 0;
        } else {
            if (L < 0.5f) {
                S = del_Max / (var_Max + var_Min);
            } else {
                S = del_Max / (2 - var_Max - var_Min);
            float del_R = (((var_Max - var_R) / 6f) + (del_Max / 2f)) / del_Max;
            float del_G = (((var_Max - var_G) / 6f) + (del_Max / 2f)) / del_Max;
            float del_B = (((var_Max - var_B) / 6f) + (del_Max / 2f)) / del_Max;
            if (var_R == var_Max) {
                H = del_B - del_G;
            } else if (var_G == var_Max) {
                H = (1 / 3f) + del_R - del_B;
            } else {
                H = (2 / 3f) + del_G - del_R;
            if (H < 0) {
                H += 1;
            if (H > 1) {
                H -= 1;
        hsl[0] = H;
        hsl[1] = S;
        hsl[2] = L;
        return hsl;

Returns the RGB equivalent of a given HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) * color.

     * @param h the hue component, between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @param s the saturation component, between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @param l the luminance component, between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @return a new Color object equivalent to the HSL components
    public static Color HSLtoRGB(float h, float s, float l) {
        int[] rgb = HSLtoRGB(h, s, l, null);
        return new Color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);

Returns the RGB equivalent of a given HSL (Hue/Saturation/Luminance) * color. All three RGB components are integers between 0 and 255.

     * @param h the hue component, between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @param s the saturation component, between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @param l the luminance component, between 0.0 and 1.0
     * @param rgb a pre-allocated array of ints; can be null
     * @return rgb if non-null, a new array of 3 ints otherwise
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if rgb has a length lower
     *   than 3
    public static int[] HSLtoRGB(float h, float s, float l, int[] rgb) {
        if (rgb == null) {
            rgb = new int[3];
        } else if (rgb.length < 3) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("rgb array must have a length of" +
                                               " at least 3");
        if (h < 0) h = 0.0f;
        else if (h > 1.0f) h = 1.0f;
        if (s < 0) s = 0.0f;
        else if (s > 1.0f) s = 1.0f;
        if (l < 0) l = 0.0f;
        else if (l > 1.0f) l = 1.0f;
        int R, G, B;
        if (s - 0.01f <= 0.0f) {
            R = (int) (l * 255.0f);
            G = (int) (l * 255.0f);
            B = (int) (l * 255.0f);
        } else {
            float var_1, var_2;
            if (l < 0.5f) {
                var_2 = l * (1 + s);
            } else {
                var_2 = (l + s) - (s * l);
            var_1 = 2 * l - var_2;
            R = (int) (255.0f * hue2RGB(var_1, var_2, h + (1.0f / 3.0f)));
            G = (int) (255.0f * hue2RGB(var_1, var_2, h));
            B = (int) (255.0f * hue2RGB(var_1, var_2, h - (1.0f / 3.0f)));
        rgb[0] = R;
        rgb[1] = G;
        rgb[2] = B;
        return rgb;
    private static float hue2RGB(float v1, float v2, float vH) {
        if (vH < 0.0f) {
            vH += 1.0f;
        if (vH > 1.0f) {
            vH -= 1.0f;
        if ((6.0f * vH) < 1.0f) {
            return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6.0f * vH);
        if ((2.0f * vH) < 1.0f) {
            return (v2);
        if ((3.0f * vH) < 2.0f) {
            return (v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2.0f / 3.0f) - vH) * 6.0f);
        return (v1);


Common color utilities

<source lang="java"> /*

* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, 
* MA  02111-1307, USA.


import java.awt.Color;


* Common color utilities.
* @author 

public class ColorUtil {

  * Blend two colors.
  * @param color1  First color to blend.
  * @param color2  Second color to blend.
  * @param ratio   Blend ratio. 0.5 will give even blend, 1.0 will return
  *                color1, 0.0 will return color2 and so on.
  * @return        Blended color.
 public static Color blend (Color color1, Color color2, double ratio)
   float r  = (float) ratio;
   float ir = (float) 1.0 - r;
   float rgb1[] = new float[3];
   float rgb2[] = new float[3];    
   color1.getColorComponents (rgb1);
   color2.getColorComponents (rgb2);    
   Color color = new Color (rgb1[0] * r + rgb2[0] * ir, 
                            rgb1[1] * r + rgb2[1] * ir, 
                            rgb1[2] * r + rgb2[2] * ir);
   return color;

  * Make an even blend between two colors.
  * @param c1     First color to blend.
  * @param c2     Second color to blend.
  * @return       Blended color.
 public static Color blend (Color color1, Color color2)
   return ColorUtil.blend (color1, color2, 0.5);
  * Make a color darker.
  * @param color     Color to make darker.
  * @param fraction  Darkness fraction.
  * @return          Darker color.
 public static Color darker (Color color, double fraction)
   int red   = (int) Math.round (color.getRed()   * (1.0 - fraction));
   int green = (int) Math.round (color.getGreen() * (1.0 - fraction));
   int blue  = (int) Math.round (color.getBlue()  * (1.0 - fraction));
   if (red   < 0) red   = 0; else if (red   > 255) red   = 255;
   if (green < 0) green = 0; else if (green > 255) green = 255;
   if (blue  < 0) blue  = 0; else if (blue  > 255) blue  = 255;    
   int alpha = color.getAlpha();
   return new Color (red, green, blue, alpha);
  * Make a color lighter.
  * @param color     Color to make lighter.
  * @param fraction  Darkness fraction.
  * @return          Lighter color.
 public static Color lighter (Color color, double fraction)
   int red   = (int) Math.round (color.getRed()   * (1.0 + fraction));
   int green = (int) Math.round (color.getGreen() * (1.0 + fraction));
   int blue  = (int) Math.round (color.getBlue()  * (1.0 + fraction));
   if (red   < 0) red   = 0; else if (red   > 255) red   = 255;
   if (green < 0) green = 0; else if (green > 255) green = 255;
   if (blue  < 0) blue  = 0; else if (blue  > 255) blue  = 255;    
   int alpha = color.getAlpha();
   return new Color (red, green, blue, alpha);

  * Return the hex name of a specified color.
  * @param color  Color to get hex name of.
  * @return       Hex name of color: "rrggbb".
 public static String getHexName (Color color)
   int r = color.getRed();
   int g = color.getGreen();
   int b = color.getBlue();
   String rHex = Integer.toString (r, 16);
   String gHex = Integer.toString (g, 16);
   String bHex = Integer.toString (b, 16);        
   return (rHex.length() == 2 ? "" + rHex : "0" + rHex) +
          (gHex.length() == 2 ? "" + gHex : "0" + gHex) +
          (bHex.length() == 2 ? "" + bHex : "0" + bHex);
  * Return the "distance" between two colors. The rgb entries are taken
  * to be coordinates in a 3D space [0.0-1.0], and this method returnes
  * the distance between the coordinates for the first and second color.
  * @param   r1, g1, b1  First color.
  * @param   r2, g2, b2  Second color.
  * @return  Distance bwetween colors.
 public static double colorDistance (double r1, double g1, double b1,
                                     double r2, double g2, double b2)
   double a = r2 - r1;
   double b = g2 - g1;
   double c = b2 - b1;
   return Math.sqrt (a*a + b*b + c*c);
  * Return the "distance" between two colors.
  * @param color1  First color [r,g,b].
  * @param color2  Second color [r,g,b].
  * @return        Distance bwetween colors.
 public static double colorDistance (double[] color1, double[] color2)
   return ColorUtil.colorDistance (color1[0], color1[1], color1[2],
                                   color2[0], color2[1], color2[2]);

  * Return the "distance" between two colors.
  * @param color1  First color.
  * @param color2  Second color.
  * @return        Distance between colors.
 public static double colorDistance (Color color1, Color color2)
   float rgb1[] = new float[3];
   float rgb2[] = new float[3];    
   color1.getColorComponents (rgb1);
   color2.getColorComponents (rgb2);    
   return ColorUtil.colorDistance (rgb1[0], rgb1[1], rgb1[2],
                                   rgb2[0], rgb2[1], rgb2[2]);

  * Check if a color is more dark than light. Useful if an entity of
  * this color is to be labeled: Use white label on a "dark" color and
  * black label on a "light" color.
  * @param r,g,b  Color to check.
  * @return       True if this is a "dark" color, false otherwise.
 public static boolean isDark (double r, double g, double b)
   // Measure distance to white and black respectively
   double dWhite = ColorUtil.colorDistance (r, g, b, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   double dBlack = ColorUtil.colorDistance (r, g, b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   return dBlack < dWhite;
  * Check if a color is more dark than light. Useful if an entity of
  * this color is to be labeled: Use white label on a "dark" color and
  * black label on a "light" color.
  * @param color  Color to check.
  * @return       True if this is a "dark" color, false otherwise.
 public static boolean isDark (Color color)
   float r = color.getRed()   / 255.0f;
   float g = color.getGreen() / 255.0f;
   float b = color.getBlue()  / 255.0f;
   return isDark (r, g, b);



Converts a given string into a color.

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.Color; import java.lang.reflect.Field; /*

* JCommon : a free general purpose class library for the Java(tm) platform
* (C) Copyright 2000-2005, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Project Info:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or 
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, 
* USA.  
* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
* in the United States and other countries.]
* -------------------
* -------------------
* (C) Copyright 2003-2005, by Object Refinery Limited.
* Original Author:  David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
* Contributor(s):   -;
* $Id:,v 1.10 2007/11/02 17:50:37 taqua Exp $
* Changes
* -------
* 13-Nov-2003 : Version 1 (DG);
* 04-Oct-2004 : Renamed PaintUtils --> PaintUtilities (DG);
* 23-Feb-2005 : Rewrote equal() method with less indenting required (DG);

public class Main {

  * Converts a given string into a color.
  * @param value
  *          the string, either a name or a hex-string.
  * @return the color.
 public static Color stringToColor(final String value) {
   if (value == null) {
   try {
     // get color by hex or octal value
     return Color.decode(value);
   } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
     // if we can"t decode lets try to get it by name
     try {
       // try to get a color by name using reflection
       final Field f = Color.class.getField(value);
       return (Color) f.get(null);
     } catch (Exception ce) {
       // if we can"t get any color return black



Converts the String representation of a color to an actual Color object.

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.Color; /*

* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


* Some string utilities for joining list of strings.
* @author (Yohann Coppel)

public class Utils {

  * Converts the String representation of a color to an actual
  * Color object.
  * @param value String representation of the color in "r,g,b" format (e.g.
  * "100,255,0")
  * @return Color object that matches the red-green-blue values
  * provided by the parameter. Returns null for empty string.
 public static Color stringToColor(String value) {
   try {
     if (!value.equals("")) {
       String[] s = value.split(",");
       if (s.length == 3) {
         int red = Integer.parseInt(s[0]);
         int green = Integer.parseInt(s[1]);
         int blue = Integer.parseInt(s[2]);
         return new Color(red, green, blue);
   } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
     // ignore it, don"t change anything.
     return null;
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
     // if a user entered 548 as the red value....
     // ignore it, don"t change anything.
     return null;
   return null;



Derives a color by adding the specified offsets to the base color"s hue, saturation, and brightness values

<source lang="java"> /*

* Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
*   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
*   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
*     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
*   - Neither the name of Sun Microsystems nor the names of its
*     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
*     from this software without specific prior written permission.

import java.awt.Color; /**

  • @author aim
  • /

public class Utils {

  * Derives a color by adding the specified offsets to the base color"s 
  * hue, saturation, and brightness values.   The resulting hue, saturation,
  * and brightness values will be contrained to be between 0 and 1.
  * @param base the color to which the HSV offsets will be added
  * @param dH the offset for hue
  * @param dS the offset for saturation
  * @param dB the offset for brightness
  * @return Color with modified HSV values
 public static Color deriveColorHSB(Color base, float dH, float dS, float dB) {
     float hsb[] = Color.RGBtoHSB(
             base.getRed(), base.getGreen(), base.getBlue(), null);
     hsb[0] += dH;
     hsb[1] += dS;
     hsb[2] += dB;
     return Color.getHSBColor(
             hsb[0] < 0? 0 : (hsb[0] > 1? 1 : hsb[0]),
             hsb[1] < 0? 0 : (hsb[1] > 1? 1 : hsb[1]),
             hsb[2] < 0? 0 : (hsb[2] > 1? 1 : hsb[2]));



Drawing with Color

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class BasicDraw {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
   new BasicDraw();
 BasicDraw() {
   JFrame frame = new JFrame();
   frame.add(new MyComponent());
   frame.setSize(300, 300);

} class MyComponent extends JComponent {

 public void paint(Graphics g) {
   Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
   g2d.fill(new Rectangle(20,20,200,200));
   int red = 230;
   int green = 45;
   int blue = 67;
   g2d.setColor(new Color(red, green, blue));
   g2d.fill(new Rectangle(40,40,200,200));



If the color is equal to one of the defined constant colors, that name is returned instead.

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.Color; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; /*

* JCommon : a free general purpose class library for the Java(tm) platform
* (C) Copyright 2000-2005, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Project Info:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or 
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, 
* USA.  
* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
* in the United States and other countries.]
* -------------------
* -------------------
* (C) Copyright 2003-2005, by Object Refinery Limited.
* Original Author:  David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
* Contributor(s):   -;
* $Id:,v 1.10 2007/11/02 17:50:37 taqua Exp $
* Changes
* -------
* 13-Nov-2003 : Version 1 (DG);
* 04-Oct-2004 : Renamed PaintUtils --> PaintUtilities (DG);
* 23-Feb-2005 : Rewrote equal() method with less indenting required (DG);

public class Main {

  * Converts a color into a string. If the color is equal to one of the defined
  * constant colors, that name is returned instead. Otherwise the color is
  * returned as hex-string.
  * @param c
  *          the color.
  * @return the string for this color.
 public static String colorToString(final Color c) {
   try {
     final Field[] fields = Color.class.getFields();
     for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
       final Field f = fields[i];
       if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers())
           && Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) {
         final String name = f.getName();
         final Object oColor = f.get(null);
         if (oColor instanceof Color) {
           if (c.equals(oColor)) {
             return name;
   } catch (Exception e) {
   // no defined constant color, so this must be a user defined color
   final String color = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB() & 0x00ffffff);
   final StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(7);
   final int fillUp = 6 - color.length();
   for (int i = 0; i < fillUp; i++) {
   return retval.toString();



Map colors into names and vice versa.

<source lang="java"> /**

* LibSparkline : a free Java sparkline chart library
* Project Info:
* (C) Copyright 2008, by Larry Ogrodnek, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the Apache License 2.0.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* You should have received a copy of the Apache License 2.0 along with this library;
* if not, a online version is available at
* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* in the United States and other countries.]
* ------------
* ------------

import java.awt.Color; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.HashMap; /**

* A helper class to map colors into names and vice versa.
* @author Thomas Morgner

public final class ColorUtilitiy {

 private static final HashMap knownColorNamesByColor;
 private static final HashMap knownColorsByName;
 static {
   knownColorNamesByColor = new HashMap();
   knownColorsByName = new HashMap();
   try {
     final Field[] fields = Color.class.getFields();
     for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
       final Field f = fields[i];
       if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers())
           && Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) {
         final String name = f.getName();
         final Object oColor = f.get(null);
         if (oColor instanceof Color) {
           knownColorNamesByColor.put(oColor, name.toLowerCase());
           knownColorsByName.put(name.toLowerCase(), oColor);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     // ignore ..
  * Utility class constructor prevents object creation.
 private ColorUtilitiy() {
  * Parse a String into a Color. <p/> This method will accept either a color
  * name (a field name from {@link Color}, case insensitive e.g. "red"), or a
  * HTML hex color string (e.g. "#ff0000" for Color.RED).
  * @param value
  *          String to parse for color name or color number.
  * @return Color for s.
 private static Color parseColor(final String value) {
   if (value == null) {
     return null;
   final Object o = knownColorsByName.get(value.toLowerCase());
   if (o != null) {
     return (Color) o;
   try {
     // get color by hex or octal value
     return Color.decode(value.trim());
   } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
     return null;
  * Parse a String into a Color, and returns the given default value if the
  * color is not parsable. <p/> This method will accept either a color name (a
  * field name from {@link Color}, case insensitive e.g. "red"), or a HTML hex
  * color string (e.g. "#ff0000" for Color.RED).
  * @param colorText
  *          String to parse for color name or color number.
  * @param defValue
  *          the default value that should be returned if the string is not
  *          parseable or null.
  * @return Color for the text.
 public static Color convertColor(final String colorText, final Color defValue) {
   if (colorText == null || colorText.isEmpty()) {
     return defValue;
   final Color retval = parseColor(colorText);
   if (retval == null) {
     return defValue;
   return retval;



Rainbow Color

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class ColorPan extends JComponent {

 BufferedImage image;
 public void initialize() {
   int width = getSize().width;
   int height = getSize().height;
   int[] data = new int[width * height];
   int index = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
     int red = (i * 255) / (height - 1);
     for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
       int green = (j * 255) / (width - 1);
       int blue = 128;
       data[index++] = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
   image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
   image.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, data, 0, width);
 public void paint(Graphics g) {
   if (image == null)
   g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   JFrame f = new JFrame("ColorPan");
   f.getContentPane().add(new ColorPan());
   f.setSize(300, 300);
   f.setLocation(100, 100);
   f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {



Utility for checking colors given either hexa or natural language string descriptions.

<source lang="java"> import java.awt.*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /**

* Utility for checking colors given either hexa or "natural language" string descriptions.

For all assertEquals/equals methods, the "expected" parameter can be either: *

  • A Color object specifying the exact color
  • *
  • A String object containing the hexadecimal description of the exact color
  • *
  • A String object containing the name of a color for an approximate comparison. * The authorized names are those of the predefined Color objects defined in the Java * */ public final class ColorUtils { private static final Map<String, Color> nameToColorMap = buildNameToColorMap(); static final String UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS = "Expected color should be an instance of Color or String"; public static boolean equals(Object expectedColor, Color actual) { if (expectedColor instanceof Color) { return expectedColor.equals(actual); } else if (expectedColor instanceof String) { return equals((String)expectedColor, actual); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS); } public static boolean equals(String expectedColor, Color actual) { Color foundColor = nameToColorMap.get(expectedColor.toUpperCase()); if (foundColor != null) { return equals(foundColor, actual, true); } try { foundColor = getColor(expectedColor); return equals(foundColor, actual, false); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""" + expectedColor + "" does not seem to be a color"); } } public static Color getColor(String hexaString) { return new Color(Integer.parseInt(hexaString, 16)); } /** * Returns a normalized string description given a Color or another String description */ public static String getColorDescription(Object color) { if (color instanceof Color) { return getColorDescription((Color)color); } else if (color instanceof String) { return getColorDescription((String)color); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS); } /** * Returns a description string for a given Color object */ public static String getColorDescription(Color color) { return toHexString(color).toUpperCase(); } /** * Normalizes a given color description string */ public static String getColorDescription(String color) { return color.toUpperCase(); } private static boolean equals(Color expected, Color actual, boolean matchBySimilarity) { if (matchBySimilarity) { return computeHSBDistance(expected, actual) < 0.9; } else { return expected.equals(actual); } } private static Color getColor(Object input) { if (input instanceof Color) { return (Color)input; } else if (input instanceof String) { Color namedColor = nameToColorMap.get(((String)input).toUpperCase()); if (namedColor != null) { return namedColor; } return getColor((String)input); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS); } private static double computeHSBDistance(Color expected, Color actual) { float[] expectedHSB = toHSB(expected); float[] actualHSB = toHSB(actual); return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((expectedHSB[0] - actualHSB[0]) * 20, 2) + Math.pow(expectedHSB[1] - actualHSB[1], 2) + Math.pow((expectedHSB[2] - actualHSB[2]) * 2, 2)); } private static float[] toHSB(Color aColor) { return Color.RGBtoHSB(aColor.getRed(), aColor.getGreen(), aColor.getBlue(), null); } private static Map<String, Color> buildNameToColorMap() { Map<String, Color> colorMap = new HashMap<String, Color>(); for (Field field : Color.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (isConstantColorField(field)) { try { Color color = (Color)field.get(null); colorMap.put(field.getName().toUpperCase(), color); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // Should not occur because the field is public and static } } } colorMap.put("DARKGREY", getColor("555555")); colorMap.put("DARKBLUE", getColor("000055")); colorMap.put("DARKRED", getColor("550000")); colorMap.put("DARKGREEN", getColor("005500")); colorMap.put("DARK_GREY", getColor("555555")); colorMap.put("DARK_BLUE", getColor("000055")); colorMap.put("DARK_RED", getColor("550000")); colorMap.put("DARK_GREEN", getColor("005500")); return colorMap; } private static boolean isConstantColorField(Field field) { return Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && Color.class == field.getType(); } private static String toHexString(Color color) { return Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB()).substring(2); } } </source>

    XOR color

    <source lang="java"> import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class XORPanel extends JPanel {

     XORPanel() {
     public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
       g.fillRect(10, 10, 80, 30);
       g.fillRect(50, 20, 80, 30);
       g.fillRect(130, 40, 80, 30);
       g.fillRect(90, 30, 80, 30);
     public static void main(String[] args) {
       JFrame frame = new JFrame();
       frame.setSize(300, 200);
       frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
       Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
       contentPane.add(new XORPanel());;

