Java/Collections Data Structure/Weak Set

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A weak HashSet: element stored in the WeakHashSet might be garbage collected

   <source lang="java">


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
* limitations under the License.

import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; /**

* A weak HashSet. An element stored in the WeakHashSet might be
* garbage collected, if there is no strong reference to this element.

public class WeakHashSet extends HashSet {

    * Helps to detect garbage collected values.
   ReferenceQueue queue = new ReferenceQueue();
    * Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.  The elements
    * are returned in no particular order.
    * @return an Iterator over the elements in this set.
   public Iterator iterator() {
       // remove garbage collected elements
       // get an iterator of the superclass WeakHashSet
       final Iterator i = super.iterator();
       return new Iterator() {
           public boolean hasNext() {
               return i.hasNext();
           public Object next() {
               // unwrap the element
               return getReferenceObject((WeakReference);
           public void remove() {
               // remove the element from the HashSet
    * Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
    * @param o element whose presence in this set is to be tested.
    * @return true if this set contains the specified element.
   public boolean contains(Object o) {
       return super.contains(WeakElement.create(o));
    * Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already
    * present.
    * @param o element to be added to this set.
    * @return true if the set did not already contain the specified
    * element.
   public boolean add(Object o) {
       return super.add(WeakElement.create(o, this.queue));
    * Removes the given element from this set if it is present.
    * @param o object to be removed from this set, if present.
    * @return true if the set contained the specified element.
   public boolean remove(Object o) {
       boolean ret = super.remove(WeakElement.create(o));
       return ret;
    * A convenience method to return the object held by the
    * weak reference or null if it does not exist.
   private final Object getReferenceObject(WeakReference ref) {
       return (ref == null) ? null : ref.get();
    * Removes all garbage collected values with their keys from the map.
    * Since we don"t know how much the ReferenceQueue.poll() operation
    * costs, we should call it only in the add() method.
   private final void processQueue() {
       WeakElement wv = null;
       while ((wv = (WeakElement) this.queue.poll()) != null) {
    * A WeakHashSet stores objects of class WeakElement.
    * A WeakElement wraps the element that should be stored in the WeakHashSet.
    * WeakElement inherits from java.lang.ref.WeakReference.
    * It redefines equals and hashCode which delegate to the corresponding methods
    * of the wrapped element.
   static private class WeakElement extends WeakReference {
       private int hash; /* Hashcode of key, stored here since the key
                              may be tossed by the GC */
       private WeakElement(Object o) {
           hash = o.hashCode();
       private WeakElement(Object o, ReferenceQueue q) {
           super(o, q);
           hash = o.hashCode();
       private static WeakElement create(Object o) {
           return (o == null) ? null : new WeakElement(o);
       private static WeakElement create(Object o, ReferenceQueue q) {
           return (o == null) ? null : new WeakElement(o, q);
       /* A WeakElement is equal to another WeakElement iff they both refer to objects
              that are, in turn, equal according to their own equals methods */
       public boolean equals(Object o) {
           if (this == o)
               return true;
           if (!(o instanceof WeakElement))
               return false;
           Object t = this.get();
           Object u = ((WeakElement) o).get();
           if (t == u) 
               return true;
           if ((t == null) || (u == null))
               return false;
           return t.equals(u);
       public int hashCode() {
           return hash;



Set which holds its members by using of WeakReferences.

   <source lang="java">


* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** Set which holds its members by using of WeakReferences.

  • MT level: unsafe.

Note: as of JDK 6.0 (b51), you can instead use *

 * Set<T> s = Collections.newSetFromMap(new WeakHashMap<T, Boolean>());
  • @author Ales Novak
  • /

public class WeakSet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements Cloneable, Serializable {

   static final long serialVersionUID = 3062376055928236721L;
   /** load factor */
   private float loadFactor;
   /** Number of items. */
   private int size;
   /** Modification count */
   private long modcount;
   /** Reference queue of collected weak refs */
   private transient ReferenceQueue<E> refq;
   /** Count of null in this set */
   long nullCount;
   /** An array of Entries */
   private transient Entry<E>[] entries;
   transient Entry<E> iterChain;
   /** Constructs a new set. */
   public WeakSet() {
       this(11, 0.75f);
   /** Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified collection.
   * @param c a collection to add
   public WeakSet(Collection<? extends E> c) {
   /** Constructs a new, empty set;
   * @param initialCapacity initial capacity
   public WeakSet(int initialCapacity) {
       this(initialCapacity, 0.75f);
   /** Constructs a new, empty set;
   * @param initialCapacity initial capacity
   * @param loadFactor load factor
   public WeakSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
       if ((initialCapacity <= 0) || (loadFactor <= 0)) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       size = 0;
       modcount = 0;
       this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
       nullCount = 0;
       refq = new ReferenceQueue<E>();
       entries = Entry.createArray(initialCapacity);
       iterChain = null;
    * logs iterator chain (for debugging)
    * @param msg
   void logIterChain(String msg) {
       Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WeakSet.class.getName());
       log.log(Level.FINE, msg);
       if (iterChain == null) {
           log.log(Level.FINE, "Empty");
       StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
       Entry<E> it = iterChain;
       str.append(size + ": ");
       while (it != null) {
           str.append(it.get() + "(" + it.hashcode + ")" + "->");
           it = it.iterChainNext;
       log.log(Level.FINE, str.toString());
   /** Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
   * @param o an Object to add
   public boolean add(E o) {
       if (o == null) {
           return true;
       Entry e = object2Entry(o);
       if (e != null) {
           return false;
       int hash = hashIt(o);
       Entry<E> next = entries[hash];
       iterChain = entries[hash] = new Entry<E>(this, o, refq, next, iterChain);
       return true;
   /** Removes all of the elements from this set. */
   public void clear() {
       for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
           entries[i] = null;
       nullCount = 0;
       size = 0;
       iterChain = null;
   /** Returns a shallow copy of this WeakSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned. */
   public Object clone() {
       WeakSet<E> nws = new WeakSet<E>(1, loadFactor);
       nws.size = size;
       nws.nullCount = nullCount;
       Entry<E>[] cloned = Entry.createArray(entries.length);
       nws.entries = cloned;
       for (int i = 0; i < cloned.length; i++) {
           Object ref;
           if ((entries[i] == null) || ((ref = entries[i].get()) == null)) {
               cloned[i] = null;
           } else {
               cloned[i] = ((entries[i] == null) ? null : entries[i].clone(nws.refq));
               ref = null;
           // chains into nws iterator chain
           Entry<E> entry = cloned[i];
           while (entry != null) {
               nws.iterChain = entry;
               entry =;
       return nws;
   /** Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
   * @param o an Object to examine
   public boolean contains(Object o) {
       if (o == null) {
           return nullCount > 0;
       return object2Entry(o) != null;
   /** Returns true if this set contains no elements.
   public boolean isEmpty() {
       return ((nullCount == 0) && (size() == 0));
   /** Returns an iterator over the elements in this set. */
   public Iterator<E> iterator() {
       return new WeakSetIterator();
   /** Removes the given element from this set if it is present.
   * @param o an Object to remove
   * @return true if and only if the Object was successfuly removed.
   public boolean remove(Object o) {
       if (o == null) {
           if (nullCount > 0) {
           return true;
       Entry e = object2Entry(o);
       if (e != null) {
           return true;
       return false;
   /** @return the number of elements in this set (its cardinality). */
   public int size() {
       return size;
   public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) {
       ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(array.length);
       Iterator<E> it = iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
       return list.toArray(array);
   public Object[] toArray() {
       ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>();
       Iterator<E> it = iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
       return list.toArray();
   // #14772
   public String toString() {
       StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
       Iterator e = iterator();
       while (e.hasNext()) {
           if (e.hasNext()) {
               buf.append(", ");
       return buf.toString();
   /** Checks if the queue is empty if not pending weak refs are removed. */
   void checkRefQueue() {
       for (;;) {
           Entry entry = Entry.class.cast(refq.poll());
           if (entry == null) {
   /** @return modcount */
   long modCount() {
       return modcount;
   /** @return an index to entries array */
   int hashIt(Object o) {
       return (o.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % entries.length;
   /** rehashes this Set */
   void rehash() {
       float currentLF = ((float) size) / ((float) entries.length);
       if (currentLF < loadFactor) {
   /** @return an Entry with given object */
   private Entry object2Entry(Object o) {
       checkRefQueue(); // clear ref q
       int hash = hashIt(o);
       Entry e = entries[hash];
       if (e == null) {
           return null;
       while ((e != null) && !e.equals(o)) {
           e =;
       return e;
   private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream obtos)
   throws IOException {
   private void readObject(ObjectInputStream obtis) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
       Object[] arr = (Object[]) obtis.readObject();
       entries = new Entry[(int) (size * 1.5)];
       refq = new ReferenceQueue<E>();
       for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
   class WeakSetIterator implements Iterator<E> {
       Entry<E> current;
       Entry<E> next;
       E currentObj;
       E nextObj;
       final long myModcount;
       long myNullCount;
       WeakSetIterator() {
           myModcount = modCount();
           myNullCount = nullCount;
           current = null;
           next = null;
           Entry<E> ee = iterChain;
           if (ee == null) {
           E o = ee.get();
           while (ee.isEnqueued()) {
               ee = ee.iterChainNext;
               if (ee == null) {
               o = ee.get();
           nextObj = o;
           next = ee;
       public boolean hasNext() {
           return ((myNullCount > 0) || (next != null));
       public E next() {
           if (myNullCount > 0) {
               return null;
           } else {
               if (next == null) {
                   throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
               current = next;
               currentObj = nextObj;
               // move to next requested
               do {
                   next = next.iterChainNext;
                   if (next == null) {
                   nextObj = next.get();
               } while (next.isEnqueued());
               return currentObj;
       public void remove() {
           if (current == null) {
               throw new IllegalStateException();
       void checkModcount() {
           if (myModcount != modCount()) {
               throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
   /** Entries of this set */
   static class Entry<E> extends WeakReference<E> {
       /** reference to outer WeakSet */
       private WeakSet<E> set;
       // double linked list
       Entry<E> prev;
       Entry<E> next;
       private final int hashcode;
       Entry<E> iterChainNext;
       Entry<E> iterChainPrev;
       Entry(WeakSet<E> set, E referenced, ReferenceQueue<E> q, Entry<E> next, Entry<E> nextInIter) {
           super(referenced, q);
           this.set = set;
  = next;
           this.prev = null;
           if (next != null) {
               next.prev = this;
           if (referenced != null) {
               hashcode = set.hashIt(referenced);
           } else {
               hashcode = 0;
       static final <E> Entry<E>[] createArray(int size) {
           return new Entry[size];
       void chainIntoIter(Entry<E> nextInIter) {
           iterChainNext = nextInIter;
           if (nextInIter != null) {
               nextInIter.iterChainPrev = this;
       /** deques itself */
       void remove() {
           if (prev != null) {
      = next;
           if (next != null) {
               next.prev = prev;
           if (iterChainNext != null) {
               iterChainNext.iterChainPrev = iterChainPrev;
           if (iterChainPrev != null) {
               iterChainPrev.iterChainNext = iterChainNext;
           } else { // root
               set.iterChain = iterChainNext;
           if (set.entries[hashcode] == this) {
               set.entries[hashcode] = next;
           prev = null;
           next = null;
           iterChainNext = null;
           iterChainPrev = null;
       public int hashCode() {
           return hashcode;
       public boolean equals(Object o) {
           Object oo = get();
           if (oo == null) {
               return false;
           } else {
               return oo.equals(o);
       public Entry<E> clone(ReferenceQueue<E> q) {
           return new Entry<E>(set, get(), q, next != null ? next.clone(q) : null, null);



Weak HashSet

   <source lang="java">


* The contents of this file are subject to the terms 
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import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; /**

* A weak HashSet. An element stored in the WeakHashSet might be
* garbage collected, if there is no strong reference to this element.

public class WeakHashSet extends HashSet {

    * Helps to detect garbage collected values.
   ReferenceQueue queue = new ReferenceQueue();
    * Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.  The elements
    * are returned in no particular order.
    * @return an Iterator over the elements in this set.
   public Iterator iterator() {
       // remove garbage collected elements
       // get an iterator of the superclass WeakHashSet
       final Iterator i = super.iterator();
       return new Iterator() {
           public boolean hasNext() {
               return i.hasNext();
           public Object next() {
               // unwrap the element
               return getReferenceObject((WeakReference);
           public void remove() {
               // remove the element from the HashSet
    * Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
    * @param o element whose presence in this set is to be tested.
    * @return true if this set contains the specified element.
   public boolean contains(Object o) {
       return super.contains(WeakElement.create(o));
    * Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already
    * present.
    * @param o element to be added to this set.
    * @return true if the set did not already contain the specified
    * element.
   public boolean add(Object o) {
       return super.add(WeakElement.create(o, this.queue));
    * Removes the given element from this set if it is present.
    * @param o object to be removed from this set, if present.
    * @return true if the set contained the specified element.
   public boolean remove(Object o) {
       boolean ret = super.remove(WeakElement.create(o));
       return ret;
    * A convenience method to return the object held by the
    * weak reference or null if it does not exist.
   private final Object getReferenceObject(WeakReference ref) {
       return (ref == null) ? null : ref.get();
    * Removes all garbage collected values with their keys from the map.
    * Since we don"t know how much the ReferenceQueue.poll() operation
    * costs, we should call it only in the add() method.
   private final void processQueue() {
       WeakElement wv = null;
       while ((wv = (WeakElement) this.queue.poll()) != null) {
    * A WeakHashSet stores objects of class WeakElement.
    * A WeakElement wraps the element that should be stored in the WeakHashSet.
    * WeakElement inherits from java.lang.ref.WeakReference.
    * It redefines equals and hashCode which delegate to the corresponding methods
    * of the wrapped element.
   static private class WeakElement extends WeakReference {
       private int hash; /* Hashcode of key, stored here since the key
                              may be tossed by the GC */
       private WeakElement(Object o) {
           hash = o.hashCode();
       private WeakElement(Object o, ReferenceQueue q) {
           super(o, q);
           hash = o.hashCode();
       private static WeakElement create(Object o) {
           return (o == null) ? null : new WeakElement(o);
       private static WeakElement create(Object o, ReferenceQueue q) {
           return (o == null) ? null : new WeakElement(o, q);
       /* A WeakElement is equal to another WeakElement iff they both refer to objects
              that are, in turn, equal according to their own equals methods */
       public boolean equals(Object o) {
           if (this == o)
               return true;
           if (!(o instanceof WeakElement))
               return false;
           Object t = this.get();
           Object u = ((WeakElement) o).get();
           if (t == u) 
               return true;
           if ((t == null) || (u == null))
               return false;
           return t.equals(u);
       public int hashCode() {
           return hash;



Weak HashSet from objectweb jac

   <source lang="java">

// Revised from objectweb jac import java.lang.Cloneable; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap;

public class WeakHashSet extends AbstractSet

   implements Set


   private transient WeakHashMap map;
   public WeakHashSet() {
       map = new WeakHashMap();
   public WeakHashSet(Collection c) {
       map = new WeakHashMap(Math.max((int) (c.size()/.75f) + 1, 16));
   public WeakHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
       map = new WeakHashMap(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
   public WeakHashSet(int initialCapacity) {
       map = new WeakHashMap(initialCapacity);
   public Iterator iterator() {
       return map.keySet().iterator();
   public int size() {
       return map.size();
   public boolean isEmpty() {
       return map.isEmpty();
   public boolean contains(Object o) {
       return map.containsKey(o);
   public boolean add(Object o) {
       return map.put(o, Boolean.TRUE)==null;
   public boolean remove(Object o) {
       return map.remove(o)==Boolean.TRUE;
   public void clear() {



Weak HashSet from TJDO

   <source lang="java">


* Copyright 2004 (C) TJDO.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the TJDO License version 1.0.
* See the terms of the TJDO License in the documentation provided with this software.
* $Id:,v 1.1 2004/08/09 23:53:35 jackknifebarber Exp $

import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap;


* A Set implementation with weak elements.
* This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table with
* weak keys (actually a WeakHashMap instance).
* An element in a WeakHashSet will automatically be removed when it
* is no longer in ordinary use.
* More precisely, the presence of an element will not prevent it from being
* discarded by the garbage collector, that is, made finalizable, finalized,
* and then reclaimed.
* When a element has been discarded it is effectively removed from the set,
* so this class behaves somewhat differently than other Set
* implementations.
* <p>
* The null element is supported.
* This class has performance characteristics similar to those of the
* HashSet class, and has the same efficiency parameters of
* initial capacity and load factor.
* <p>
* Like most collection classes, this class is not synchronized.
* A synchronized WeakHashSet may be constructed using the
* Collections.synchronizedSet method.
* <p>
* This class is intended primarily for use with objects whose
* equals methods test for object identity using the
* == operator.
* Once such an object is discarded it can never be recreated, so it is
* impossible to do a lookup of that key in a WeakHashSet at some later
* time and be surprised that its entry has been removed.
* This class will work perfectly well with objects whose equals
* methods are not based upon object identity, such as String
* instances.
* With such recreatable objects however, the automatic removal of
* WeakHashSet elements that have been discarded may prove to be
* confusing.
* <p>
* The behavior of the WeakHashSet class depends in part upon the
* actions of the garbage collector, so several familiar (though not required)
* Set invariants do not hold for this class.
* Because the garbage collector may discard elements at any time, a
* WeakHashSet may behave as though an unknown thread is silently
* removing elements.
* In particular, even if you synchronize on a WeakHashSet instance and
* invoke none of its mutator methods, it is possible for the size
* method to return smaller values over time, for the isEmpty method to
* return false and then true, for the contains
* method to return true and later false for a given object,
* for the add method to return true and the remove
* method to return false for an element that previously appeared to be
* in the set, and for successive examinations of the set to yield successively
* smaller numbers of elements.
* <p>
* Each element in a WeakHashSet is stored indirectly as the referent
* of a weak reference.
* Therefore an element will automatically be removed only after the weak
* references to it, both inside and outside of the set, have been cleared by
* the garbage collector.
* <p>
* The iterators returned by this class are fail-fast: if the set is
* structurally modified at any time after the iterator is created, in any way
* except through the iterator"s own remove or add methods,
* the iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationException.
* Thus, in the face of concurrent modification, the iterator fails quickly and
* cleanly, rather than risking arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior at an
* undetermined time in the future.
* <p>
* Note that the fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed
* as it is, generally speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the
* presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification.
* Fail-fast iterators throw ConcurrentModificationException on a
* best-effort basis.
* Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this
* exception for its correctness:  the fail-fast behavior of iterators
* should be used only to detect bugs.
* @author   (borrowing
*          liberally from java.util.HashSet)
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $

public class WeakHashSet extends AbstractSet implements Set {

   /* Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map. */
   private static final Object PRESENT = new Object();
   private final WeakHashMap map;
    * Constructs a new, empty set; the backing WeakHashMap instance has
    * default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
   public WeakHashSet()
       map = new WeakHashMap();
    * Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified
    * collection.  The WeakHashMap is created with default load factor
    * (0.75) and an initial capacity sufficient to contain the elements in
    * the specified collection.
    * @param c the collection whose elements are to be placed into this set.
    * @throws NullPointerException   if the specified collection is null.
   public WeakHashSet(Collection c)
       map = new WeakHashMap(Math.max((int)(c.size() / .75f) + 1, 16));
    * Constructs a new, empty set; the backing WeakHashMap instance has
    * the specified initial capacity and the specified load factor.
    * @param      initialCapacity   the initial capacity of the hash map.
    * @param      loadFactor        the load factor of the hash map.
    * @throws     IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
    *             than zero, or if the load factor is nonpositive.
   public WeakHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
       map = new WeakHashMap(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
    * Constructs a new, empty set; the backing WeakHashMap instance has
    * the specified initial capacity and default load factor, which is
    * 0.75.
    * @param      initialCapacity   the initial capacity of the hash table.
    * @throws     IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less
    *             than zero.
   public WeakHashSet(int initialCapacity)
       map = new WeakHashMap(initialCapacity);
    * Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.  The elements
    * are returned in no particular order.
    * @return an Iterator over the elements in this set.
    * @see "java.util.ConcurrentModificationException"
   public Iterator iterator()
       return map.keySet().iterator();
    * Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
    * @return the number of elements.
   public int size()
       return map.size();
    * Indicates whether the set is empty.
    * @return true if the set contains no elements.
   public boolean isEmpty()
       return map.isEmpty();
    * Indicates whether the set contains the specified element.
    * @param o the element to specify.
    * @return true if the set contains the specified element.
   public boolean contains(Object o)
       return map.containsKey(o);
    * Adds the specified element to the set if it is not already
    * present.
    * @param o the element to be added.
    * @return true if the set did not already contain the specified
    * element.
   public boolean add(Object o)
       return map.put(o, PRESENT) == null;
    * Removes the specified element from the set if it is present.
    * @param o the element to be removed.
    * @return true if the set contained the specified element.
   public boolean remove(Object o)
       return map.remove(o) == PRESENT;
    * Removes all of the elements from the set.
   public void clear()

