Java/Chart/Segmented High Low Chart

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JFreeChart: Segmented High Low Chart Demo

   <source lang="java">

/* ===========================================================

* JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
* ===========================================================
* (C) Copyright 2000-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
* Project Info:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
* in the United States and other countries.]
* ------------------------------
* ------------------------------
* (C) Copyright 2003, 2004, by Bill Kelemen and Contributors.
* Original Author:  Bill Kelemen;
* Contributor(s):   David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
* $Id:,v 1.11 2004/04/26 19:12:03 taqua Exp $
* Changes
* -------
* 24-May-2003 : Version 1 (BK);
* 12-Nov-2003 : Added roll factor to tick units to improve labelling on date axis (DG);

package org.jfree.chart.demo; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.SegmentedTimeline; import org.jfree.chart.axis.TickUnits; import; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; /**

* A demo showing a daily and intraday segmented high-low-open-close charts.
* @author Bill Kelemen

public class SegmentedHighLowChartDemo extends ApplicationFrame {

    * A demonstration application showing a high-low-open-close chart using a
    * segmented or non-segmented axis.
    * @param title  the frame title.
    * @param useSegmentedAxis use a segmented axis for this demo?
    * @param timelineType Type of timeline to use: 1=Monday through Friday, 2=Intraday
   public SegmentedHighLowChartDemo(final String title,
                                    final boolean useSegmentedAxis,
                                    final int timelineType) {
       System.out.println("\nMaking SegmentedHighLowChartDemo(" + title + ")");
       // create a Calendar object with today"s date at midnight
       final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
       cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
       cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
       cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
       cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
       // create a timeline for the demo
       SegmentedTimeline timeline = null;
       switch (timelineType) {
           case 1:
               timeline = SegmentedTimeline.newMondayThroughFridayTimeline();
           case 2:
               timeline = SegmentedTimeline.newFifteenMinuteTimeline();
               final Calendar cal2 = (Calendar) cal.clone();
               cal2.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1);
               // add 1 year of baseTimeline"s excluded segments (Saturdays and Sundays) as
               // exceptions of the intraday timeline
               System.out.println("Invalid timelineType.");
       // create a data set that has data for trading days (Monday through Friday).
       final DefaultHighLowDataset dataset =
           DemoDatasetFactory.createSegmentedHighLowDataset(timeline, cal.getTime());
       final JFreeChart chart;
       if (useSegmentedAxis) {
           chart = ChartFactory.createHighLowChart(
               "Time", "Value",
               dataset, timeline, true);
       else {
           chart = ChartFactory.createHighLowChart(
               "Time", "Value",
               dataset, true);
       final DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis();
       final TickUnits units = new TickUnits();
       units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 1, DateTickUnit.HOUR, 1, 
                                  new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM")));
       units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 2, DateTickUnit.HOUR, 1,
                                  new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM")));
       units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 7, DateTickUnit.DAY, 1,
                                  new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM")));
       units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 15,  DateTickUnit.DAY, 1,
                                  new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM")));
       units.add(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 30, DateTickUnit.DAY, 1,
                                  new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM")));
       final NumberAxis vaxis = (NumberAxis) chart.getXYPlot().getRangeAxis();
       final ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
       chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 270));
   // ****************************************************************************
   // * COMMERCIAL SUPPORT / JFREECHART DEVELOPER GUIDE                          *
   // * Please note that commercial support and documentation is available from: *
   // *                                                                          *
   // *                   *
   // *                                                                          *
   // * This is not only a great service for developers, but is a VERY IMPORTANT *
   // * source of funding for the JFreeChart project.  Please support us so that *
   // * we can continue developing free software.                                *
   // ****************************************************************************
    * Starting point for the demonstration application.
    * @param args  ignored.
   public static void main(final String[] args) {
       final ApplicationFrame[][] frame = new ApplicationFrame[2][2];
       frame[0][0] = new SegmentedHighLowChartDemo("Segmented Daily High-Low-Open-Close Demo", 
                                                   true, 1);
       frame[1][0] = new SegmentedHighLowChartDemo("Normal Daily High-Low-Open-Close Demo", 
                                                   false, 1);
       frame[0][1] = new SegmentedHighLowChartDemo("Segmented Intraday High-Low-Open-Close Demo", 
                                                   true, 2);
       frame[1][1] = new SegmentedHighLowChartDemo("Normal Intraday High-Low-Open-Close Demo", 
                                                   false, 2);
       for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
           for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
               RefineryUtilities.positionFrameOnScreen(frame[i][j], .15 + .70 * j, .25 + .50 * i);

