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Версия от 06:17, 1 июня 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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Count to 10 Example: tracking even and odd

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
    <title>Count to 10 Example(tracking even and odd)</title>
    <table border="0">
      <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" varStatus="status">
        <jsp:useBean id="status"
        type="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus" />
          <c-rt:when test="<%=status.getCount()%2==0%>">
            <c:set var="color" value="#eeeeee" />
            <c:set var="color" value="#dddddd" />
          <td width="200" bgcolor="<c:out value="${color}"/>"> 
          <c:out value="${i}" />

Count to 10 Example using JSTL

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
    <title>Count to 10 Example(using JSTL)</title>
    <table border="1">
        <td valign="top">
          <h3>From 1 to 10</h3>
          <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10">
            <c:out value="${i}" />
            <br />
        <td valign="top">
          <h3>From 10 to 1</h3>
          <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10">
            <c:out value="${11-i}" />
            <br />
          <h3>By Twos</h3>
          <c:forEach var="i" begin="2" end="10" step="2">
            <c:out value="${i}" />
            <br />
        <td valign="top">&nbsp;

JSTL: another for each and status

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
  synchronized (pageContext) {
    String[] names = {"Joe", "Rosy", "Petter", "Rob"};
    pageContext.setAttribute("names", names, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
    <title>forEach and status</title>
    The forEach tag exposes a scoped variable called "count", which
    is the position of the current element within the collection. <br />
    <c:forEach var="currentName" items="${pageScope.names}" varStatus="status">
      Family member #<c:out value="${status.count}" /> is
        <c:out value="${currentName}" /> <br />

JSTL: Conditional Support -- Simple Conditional Execution Example

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
  <title>JSTL: Conditional Support -- Simple Conditional Execution Example</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h3>Loop in JSTL</h3>
    <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" step="1">
      <c:out value="${i}" />
      <br />


JSTL For Each

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="x" %>
    <title>Reading RSS</title>
    <c:import var="news"
    url="" />
    <x:parse var="doc" xml="${news}" />
    <table border="1" width="100%">
      <tr bgcolor="blue">
        <td align="center">
          <font color="white" size="+2">
              <x:out select="$doc/rss/channel/title" />
          <br />
          <font color="white" size="-2">
            <x:out select="$doc/rss/channel/pubDate" />
        <td valign="top">
          <x:out select="$doc/rss/channel/description" />
      <x:forEach var="story" select="$doc/rss/channel/item">
        <tr bgcolor="blue">
          <td align="center">

== JSTL: for each and scoped variable ==

  <!-- start source code -->
    <source lang="java">

<%@ taglib prefix="c"    uri="" %>
<c:set var="names" value="Joe, Zhou" scope="page" />
    <title>forEach and status</title>
    <h1>The forEach tag exposes a scoped variable called "count", which
    is the position of the current iteration of the collection.</h1>
    <h2>(Note, it is <i>not</i> the position of the element in the
        underlying collection)</h2>
    <c:forEach items="${pageScope.names}"
      Family member #<c:out value="${status.count}" /> is
        <c:out value="${currentName}" /> <br />

JSTL: for each and status

<%@ taglib prefix="c"    uri="" %>
<c:set var="names" value="Joe, Rob, Rosy, Sissi" scope="page" />
    <title>forEach and status</title>
    <h1>The forEach tag exposes a scoped variable called "count", which
    is the position of the current iteration of the collection.</h1>
    <h2>(Note, it is <i>not</i> the position of the element in the
        underlying collection)</h2>
    <c:forEach items="${pageScope.names}"
      Family member #<c:out value="${status.count}" /> is
        <c:out value="${currentName}" /> <br />

JSTL: for each loop

<%@ taglib uri=""    prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
  String[] names = { "Joe", "Rosy", "Sissi", "Sun" };
  int[]    ages  = {29, 8, 6, 5};
  <HEAD><TITLE>JSTL "forEach" tag</TITLE></HEAD>
    <H1>List of people</H1>
    <TABLE BORDER="1">
      <c-rt:forEach var="person" items="<%= names %>">
          <TD><c:out value="${person}"  /></TD>
          <TD><c:out value="${ages[i]}" /></TD>

JSTL Form Value and ForEach Loop

    <title>Page Data Example</title>
    <table border="1">
      <form method="POST" action="params2.jsp">
          <td width="33%">
            <b>First Name</b>
          <td width="73%">
            <input type="text" name="first" size="40" />
          <td width="33%">
            <b>Last Name</b>
          <td width="73%">
            <input type="text" name="last" size="40" />
          <td width="33%">
          <td width="73%">
            <input type="text" name="address" size="40" />
          <td width="33%">
          <td width="73%">
            <input type="text" name="city" size="20" />
          <td width="33%">
          <td width="73%">
            <input type="text" name="state" size="20" />
          <td width="33%">
          <td width="73%">
            <input type="text" name="zip" size="20" />
          <td colspan="2">
            <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="action" />
            <input type="reset" value="Reset" name="action" />

JSTL: fortokens

<%@ taglib prefix="c"    uri="" %>
<c:set var="names" value="Joe:Petter;Ryan|John" scope="page" />
    <title>forTokens action</title>
    <c:forTokens items="${pageScope.names}"
      Family member #<c:out value="${status.count}" /> is
        <c:out value="${currentName}" /> <br />

JSTL Tag collaboration with a fixed loop

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c-rt" %>
    <title>Count to 10 Example(tracking even and odd)</title>
    <table border="0">
      <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" varStatus="status">
        <jsp:useBean id="status"
        type="javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus" />
          <c-rt:when test="<%=status.getCount()%2==0%>">
            <c:set var="color" value="#eeeeee" />
            <c:set var="color" value="#dddddd" />
          <td width="200" bgcolor="<c:out value="${color}"/>"> 
          <c:out value="${i}" />