Java by API/javax.sound.midi/InvalidMidiDataException — различия между версиями

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 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Flanagan.  All rights reserved.
 * This code is from the book Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3nd Edition.
 * It is provided AS-IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either expressed or implied.
 * You may study, use, and modify it for any non-commercial purpose,
 * including teaching and use in open-source projects.
 * You may distribute it non-commercially as long as you retain this notice.
 * For a commercial use license, or to purchase the book, 
 * please visit
import javax.sound.midi.InvalidMidiDataException;
import javax.sound.midi.MetaEventListener;
import javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiEvent;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.midi.Sequence;
import javax.sound.midi.Sequencer;
import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage;
import javax.sound.midi.Synthesizer;
import javax.sound.midi.Track;
public class Main {
  // These are some MIDI constants from the spec. They aren"t defined
  // for us in javax.sound.midi.
  public static final int DAMPER_PEDAL = 64;
  public static final int DAMPER_ON = 127;
  public static final int DAMPER_OFF = 0;
  public static final int END_OF_TRACK = 47;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws MidiUnavailableException, InvalidMidiDataException,
      IOException {
    int instrument = 0;
    int tempo = 120;
    String filename = null;
    // Parse the options
    // -i <instrument number> default 0, a piano. Allowed values: 0-127
    // -t <beats per minute> default tempo is 120 quarter notes per minute
    // -o <filename> save to a midi file instead of playing
    int a = 0;
    while (a < args.length) {
      if (args[a].equals("-i")) {
        instrument = Integer.parseInt(args[a + 1]);
        a += 2;
      } else if (args[a].equals("-t")) {
        tempo = Integer.parseInt(args[a + 1]);
        a += 2;
      } else if (args[a].equals("-o")) {
        filename = args[a + 1];
        a += 2;
      } else
    char[] notes = args[a].toCharArray();
    // 16 ticks per quarter note.
    Sequence sequence = new Sequence(Sequence.PPQ, 16);
    // Add the specified notes to the track
    addTrack(sequence, instrument, tempo, notes);
    if (filename == null) { // no filename, so play the notes
      // Set up the Sequencer and Synthesizer objects
      Sequencer sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer();;
      Synthesizer synthesizer = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();;
      // Specify the sequence to play, and the tempo to play it at
      // Let us know when it is done playing
      sequencer.addMetaEventListener(new MetaEventListener() {
        public void meta(MetaMessage m) {
          // A message of this type is automatically sent
          // when we reach the end of the track
          if (m.getType() == END_OF_TRACK)
      // And start playing now.
    } else { // A file name was specified, so save the notes
      int[] allowedTypes = MidiSystem.getMidiFileTypes(sequence);
      if (allowedTypes.length == 0) {
        System.err.println("No supported MIDI file types.");
      } else {
        MidiSystem.write(sequence, allowedTypes[0], new File(filename));
  static final int[] offsets = { // add these amounts to the base value
  // A B C D E F G
      -4, -2, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 };
   * This method parses the specified char[] of notes into a Track. The musical
   * notation is the following: A-G: A named note; Add b for flat and # for
   * sharp. +: Move up one octave. Persists. -: Move down one octave. Persists.
   * /1: Notes are whole notes. Persists "till changed /2: Half notes /4:
   * Quarter notes /n: N can also be, 8, 16, 32, 64. s: Toggle sustain pedal on
   * or off (initially off)
   *  >: Louder. Persists <: Softer. Persists .: Rest. Length depends on current
   * length setting Space: Play the previous note or notes; notes not separated
   * by spaces are played at the same time
  public static void addTrack(Sequence s, int instrument, int tempo, char[] notes)
      throws InvalidMidiDataException {
    Track track = s.createTrack(); // Begin with a new track
    // Set the instrument on channel 0
    ShortMessage sm = new ShortMessage();
    sm.setMessage(ShortMessage.PROGRAM_CHANGE, 0, instrument, 0);
    track.add(new MidiEvent(sm, 0));
    int n = 0; // current character in notes[] array
    int t = 0; // time in ticks for the composition
    // These values persist and apply to all notes "till changed
    int notelength = 16; // default to quarter notes
    int velocity = 64; // default to middle volume
    int basekey = 60; // 60 is middle C. Adjusted up and down by octave
    boolean sustain = false; // is the sustain pedal depressed?
    int numnotes = 0; // How many notes in current chord?
    while (n < notes.length) {
      char c = notes[n++];
      if (c == "+")
        basekey += 12; // increase octave
      else if (c == "-")
        basekey -= 12; // decrease octave
      else if (c == ">")
        velocity += 16; // increase volume;
      else if (c == "<")
        velocity -= 16; // decrease volume;
      else if (c == "/") {
        char d = notes[n++];
        if (d == "2")
          notelength = 32; // half note
        else if (d == "4")
          notelength = 16; // quarter note
        else if (d == "8")
          notelength = 8; // eighth note
        else if (d == "3" && notes[n++] == "2")
          notelength = 2;
        else if (d == "6" && notes[n++] == "4")
          notelength = 1;
        else if (d == "1") {
          if (n < notes.length && notes[n] == "6")
            notelength = 4; // 1/16th note
            notelength = 64; // whole note
      } else if (c == "s") {
        sustain = !sustain;
        // Change the sustain setting for channel 0
        ShortMessage m = new ShortMessage();
            .setMessage(ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, 0, DAMPER_PEDAL, sustain ? DAMPER_ON
                : DAMPER_OFF);
        track.add(new MidiEvent(m, t));
      } else if (c >= "A" && c <= "G") {
        int key = basekey + offsets[c - "A"];
        if (n < notes.length) {
          if (notes[n] == "b") { // flat
          } else if (notes[n] == "#") { // sharp
        addNote(track, t, notelength, key, velocity);
      } else if (c == " ") {
        // Spaces separate groups of notes played at the same time.
        // But we ignore them unless they follow a note or notes.
        if (numnotes > 0) {
          t += notelength;
          numnotes = 0;
      } else if (c == ".") {
        // Rests are like spaces in that they force any previous
        // note to be output (since they are never part of chords)
        if (numnotes > 0) {
          t += notelength;
          numnotes = 0;
        // Now add additional rest time
        t += notelength;
  // A convenience method to add a note to the track on channel 0
  public static void addNote(Track track, int startTick, int tickLength, int key, int velocity)
      throws InvalidMidiDataException {
    ShortMessage on = new ShortMessage();
    on.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_ON, 0, key, velocity);
    ShortMessage off = new ShortMessage();
    off.setMessage(ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF, 0, key, velocity);
    track.add(new MidiEvent(on, startTick));
    track.add(new MidiEvent(off, startTick + tickLength));