Java by API/org.apache.commons.lang/StringUtils — различия между версиями

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Версия 17:43, 31 мая 2010

StringUtils: abbreviate(String str, int len)

1) Abbreviate Once upon a time >>>Once upon... * */
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // String can be max 12 chars including the ...
    System.out.println("1) Abbreviate Once upon a time >>>"
        + StringUtils.abbreviate("Once upon a time ", 12));

StringUtils: chomp(String str, String separator)

3) Chomp END >>>A test String 
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Remove the specified string at the end of String
    System.out.println("3) Chomp END >>>" + StringUtils.chomp("A test String END", "END"));

StringUtils: containsNone(String str, String invalidChars)

14) Check that ABCD contains none of !@#$%^&* >>>true
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Check that a string does not contain any of these characters !@#$%^&*
    System.out.println("14) Check that ABCD contains none of !@#$%^&* >>>"
        + StringUtils.containsNone("ABCD", "!@#$%^&*"));

StringUtils: containsOnly(String str, String validChars)

4) Check if 643287460 contains only 0123456789 >>>true
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Check if string contains only a specified set of characters. Return
    // boolean
    System.out.println("4) Check if 643287460 contains only 0123456789 >>>"
        + StringUtils.containsOnly("643287460", "0123456789"));

StringUtils: defaultString(String str)

6) Return default string >>>****
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Takes Object input and returns Empty String if null.
    System.out.println("6) Return default string >>>" + "**" + StringUtils.defaultString(null)
        + "**");

StringUtils: equals(String arg0, String arg1)

StringUtils.equals(String arg0, String arg1)
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Compare Strings...No NullPointer Exception!
    System.out.println("12) Comapre null and null >>>" + StringUtils.equals(null, null));

StringUtils: indexOfDifference(String str1, String str2)

2) Index Of Difference between ABCXYZ and ABCPQR >>>3
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Returns index where the Strings start to differ
    System.out.println("2) Index Of Difference between ABCXYZ and ABCPQR >>>"
        + StringUtils.indexOfDifference("ABCXYZ", "ABCPQR"));

StringUtils: join(Object[] array, String separator)

7) Join Strings using separator >>>AB$#$CD$#$EF
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Join all Strings in the Array into a Single String, separated by $#$
    System.out.println("7) Join Strings using separator >>>"
        + StringUtils.join(new String[] { "AB", "CD", "EF" }, "$#$"));

StringUtils: reverse(String str)

9) Reverse >>>ESREVER
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Reverse a String
    System.out.println("9) Reverse >>>" + StringUtils.reverse("REVERSE"));

StringUtils: split(String str, String separatorChars)

0) AB
1) CD
2) EF
3) GH
 * */
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class SplitString {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Split a String into an Array using # as seperator.
        String [] splitArr=StringUtils.split("AB#CD#EF#GH", "#");
        for(int i=0; i<splitArr.length; i++ ) {
            System.out.println( i + ") "+ splitArr[i]);

StringUtils: stripToEmpty(String str)

13) Strip whitespace >>>ABCD
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Strip whitespace from start and end of the string.
    // If null returns empty string
    System.out.println("13) Strip whitespace >>>" + StringUtils.stripToEmpty("     ABCD      "));

StringUtils: substring(String str, int start, int end)

) Substring >>>UBST
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // SubString
    System.out.println("8) Substring >>>" + StringUtils.substring("SUBSTRING", 1, 5));

StringUtils: trim(String str)

10) Trim String. No NullPointerException >>>null
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // No NullPointer Exception even if null!
    System.out.println("10) Trim String. No NullPointerException >>>" + StringUtils.trim(null));

StringUtils: trimToEmpty(String str)

11) Empty String >>><<<
import org.apache.rumons.lang.StringUtils;
public class StringUtilsTrial {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // If string is null, empty string returned. Else returns trimmed string
    System.out.println("11) Empty String >>>" + StringUtils.trimToEmpty(null) + "<<<");